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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Well, I suppose Leora could piss on him from time to time, and then when it evaporates he will feel cool and rejuvenated. Just a thought.
  2. I noticed she never blows him, just for the sake of blowing him. Too bad, as I have a real affection towards girls who love to suck.
  3. It won't be hopping around long outside,.. not with all that traffic there!
  4. This is also in the general discussion category, but I'm hoping for a quicker reply from you good folks. Has anyone else been having trouble connecting to RLC? For me it's been like trying to jump start an old Harley. Please let me know. Thanks.
  5. Concerning Paul not having any talents, I disagree! I saw him laying motionless without so much as a mussel twitch for hours. Now that takes lots of practice and discipline!
  6. Is anyone else having a hard time when you attempt to go to RLC of connecting? For me it's been like trying to jump start an old Harley. Let me know, so I won't think it's just with my connection somehow.
  7. That painting could be referred to as 'The Wet Lands' , or 'The Bad Lands.'
  8. Once again you've got me laughing. But yes, that was the direction that I was going in.
  9. I think she should call her painting, 'Hazy Mountain Tits'
  10. Yes, They do seem to represent our little Leora. Can't wait to see what her next painting will be of.
  11. She's lonely now, and wants to get fucked. Poor little thing.
  12. Yes, She's a cute little sprite in all that she does. And maybe there are times when someone needs to take her over their knees, but that wouldn't be Paul, and that wouldn't be any of the guys that I've seen on RLC,.. But it does help a girl at times. But for the most part, she is a pretty good girl.
  13. I can't stand that, I can't really call it music, that she's listening to. I mean, as bad as the traffic noise is to have to listen to, even it's a lot better than that crap so many young people seem to like. Someone should tell these untalented, dime a dozen bands, that you don't have to continually scream throughout the entire song,.. I mean screaming just doesn't compare to actually being able to sing. But I guess, if you don't really have a good voice, it is a lot easier.
  14. I just happened to glance at what's going on in this apartment. I thought it was a Tupperware party! "And this one ladies is our new pliable plastic dildo,.. soft and friendly, yet still firm enough to ram up your ass on those special occasions."
  15. Leora's painting: Stylistically I first thought it favored Chezanne' , but on closer inspection it seems to be an abstract based upon the blue panties she was wearing. It's her blue period.
  16. For a moment there I thought that Paul and Leora were coming out of hibernation, but I guess it's still too soon.
  17. Well said. That's pretty much my own impression of Alma and her gang. And that guy Alma is with literally makes my skin crawl. How does she manage that?
  18. I don't see the bunny rabbit anymore. Perhaps it was made into rabbit stew. Yummm,. Good eatin!
  19. Oh I promise you I'm no fool when it comes to girls or women, and half the reason I sometimes feel this contempt for some of these guys here, namely Kiko, and Paul, is because of the way they allow these girls to walk all over them. But the other reason is simply because they have no snap, no spark of inventiveness, or class. It's hard to put into words,.. I'm not saying they have to be James Bond, but they sure as hell can show some sort of mystique or manliness in their character at times. By the way, and I say this out of respect for you, Trickshot,.. I once dated Messalina, if you know what I mean. And yes your right about how being pretty in of itself doesn't negate evil.
  20. That camera in Leora's apartment is so shitty, always flickering in and out of focus, and not giving smooth movements when she and Paul so much as scratch their heads. The one in Maya's and Stephan's living room on the other hand is crystal clear and sharp.
  21. There's color in the kitchen, but not in the living room. I hope RLC will fix this soon.
  22. It's morning, the sun is shining, and the camera is still showing black and white. "Lucy,..I'm home."
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