Kiko is leaving the apartment,.. good riddance!
The amazing thing is, Nora thinks he's the tops. Go figure?
I remember a quote once by the actor Cary Grant when speaking about how things have changed over time, and he said,.. "You mean when men were men, and women were damn glad about it."
I tuned in late and only saw her walking naked straight to the shower.
So, Did I miss something, my guess would be yes? But I'd like to know for sure, so I don't have to waste my time waiting around for another romp in the hay.
Well judging by the sexual moves the new girl made on the couch, the girls were talking about guys and sex.
That's why they both seemed so shocked or embarrassed when Kiko came in.
Or at least that's my take on it.
Yeah, most likely, but I still remember when Kiko put his hand deliberately on that girls leg, and he never would have done that with Nora watching, if he didn't know it was alright with her.
That's the only thing that really gives me hope that something exciting will one day happen.
Shadowmag, did you notice how Nora has made gestures or pointed in the direction of where Kiko is when she was talking?
Very interesting,.. But like you said, until someone who can actually understand what is being said, it's all just heighten speculation.
There are some serious discussions going on right now, and the new girl has just looked up at the camera.
Maybe it's the camera she's concern about. Not sure,.. and still hopeful.
Ok, we're in luck, I happen to have a Russian to English dictionary now.
And the girl was saying that she's afraid that if she say ok with this, that it might cause problems for Nora later.
But Nora said, 'We've got problems now!' That Kiko was stuck on this guy who looks like a billy goat, but that you were at least an attractive woman, and she desperately needs her help.'