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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Are you sure it is Ginger ?? If so, she had lost lot of weight and is way prettier than we have seen on her first stay !
  2. If we exclude Karol, we have the most boring girls of the last 6 months in the appartment !! Pretty girls, but too quiet for the project !!
  3. Must be a torture for the girls ! Especially Tata ! Si close to Rus but can't do anything ! And Kylie won't share ...
  4. What's happening with Holly ?? She doesn't want to be part of them anymore ?? She is really disappointing lately !!
  5. Better than an empty appartment ! Let's see ... It will always be time to complain !!
  6. When Cecilia came in the villa the first times, we were so used to see Radi happy and having good times. Since Tweety returned, Radi had changed completely and put all her attention on Tweety, and almost ignored Cecilia ... No more pussy licking or fun between those two ... And the relation between Holly and Tweety also changed, not for the best, I must say ... Hope she doesn't make a mistake ...
  7. Marlene should bring Cleo to B1 ... Would be more intimate ! Obviously, Cleo seems more attracted to Marlene than Bea ...
  8. Looking at that Moron makes me jealous ... I never used drugs and just realize I never act like a DUMB like him ... So I think I'll start !! 😉
  9. I've ALWAYS been a respectful person ... But when I see guys like that Moron, whose main important thing is to get high and drunk, and keeps insisting, insisting and insisting UNTIL he has what he wants , when obviously some girls don't want that, THEN they lose my respect ! It happened with Bruno, and that creep is EXACTLY like him !!
  10. Sorry, but don't agree with you ! You have tour opinion, I have mine and that's ok ! We don't have to agree on everything !
  11. Why ALWAYS be there with the girls ! They both have men to take care of them !
  12. He's like the Alien Tape ! We can't get rid of it ... 😡🤬
  13. That is the ONLY things he brings in RLC ! ALCOOL AND DRUGS !
  14. Watched the replay with Kristy and Alana ... It was the most we've seen from Alana so far ... Let's hope it continues, even though I have doubts !! But it was much better, at least the effort was there !
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