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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. That bastard KILLED the mood again ... We had two girls that had fun ... and probably could have gone further ...
  3. She participates more tonight in the party ... Could be fun to watch her having "fun" ...
  4. If only NANA would want to loosen Up, I'm sure she could be a STAR !!
  5. Thought we would have been ok with Bogdan leaving ... Now we are stuck with another one !!! 😡
  6. Fior, would you please GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE and leave the girls alone ??
  7. Karaoke or Charades games ?? Certainly Karaoke 100% ... Not great singers but it is more fun
  8. Is Fior a RLC employee ? If so, we don't have to see him in the appartments AT ALL ! if hé wants to be a tenant, then GIVE HIM an appartment, period !! And leave the girls alone !!
  9. Is Maksim the masculine version of Megan ?? ALWAYS on his cell phone and not taking care or giving attention to Leia ? Never Makes the first move !!!
  10. If Holly is back in the project, why not a réunion between Holly and Martina ? They had a good relation and they were getting closed ... before Nelly took Martina !!
  11. Looking at Buffy ! 🤩🤩 Just WOW ... Nice body, natural , not skinny , curves, exactly my type !
  12. WTF is he doing there ? WHY Fior ALWAYS have to be in B4 when there has parties ?
  13. B2 is so boring ! No post in the last 24 hours !! Pathetic ! Major change is needed ASAP !
  14. For the big master bedroom, I predict Megan's return ! Would not be my choice but I feel it ! Or maybe Diane/ Olya ?
  15. I think that with the arrival of Buffy , the Radi/Daniela romance is over ! Now let's see what will happen in the large double bed room !
  16. Welcome Buffy !! vert nice looking girl ! Not skinny ! I prefer that kind of body !
  17. Nice girls ... but all they do is fill a room ... Would probably be different if they could be separated, have their own personal space and not ALWAYS be together ... THEN we could have something ...
  18. Tonight I was pretty sure Holly would have joined Daniela ... They were really nice to watch tonite ( good vibes and happiness ) ... A bit disappointed with the ending ... 😕
  19. Daniela just said it is enough !! And she left !! I think it is over between these two
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