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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. I'll just say that: these two ( Gina and Stella ) are the two worst alcoholics I've ever seen ... and EVERYBODY finds that so funny to look at them ... they are so PATHETIC to watch ... The worst is Gina by far with her insignifiant laughing after 4-5 words and her stupid dancing ... Sorry for their fans but they act like two idiots !
  2. Hope they won't bring the " drug squad " in other appartments ! Keep them in your appartment, Gina !
  3. It was a good thing to see B/N leaving for few days ... but now we are stuck with another one ( Fior ) ...
  4. Still drinking at 1:00 PM ?? Their alcohol addiction is really serious !! They never stop !! Something serious will happen someday to one of them, for sure !!
  5. Can someone tell me why he is in the villa when Bogdan isn't ... Hope he's not there just to sneak at the girls ...
  6. Mila had sex with Oksi, Adri, Elvira, Laima, Adelita, and I think few others ... Anna had the New Year's Eve in B1 with Irma , plus the big orgy night in B2 with Lila, Carolina, Belle, Stella, Megan and Rebecca
  7. Just wanna know something ... What do you want, exactly ? They do nothing, they are boring, they do something, it is ridiculous ... It will always be Shows, that is why they are here ... BTW, it is the same thing in ALL the GOV appartments !
  8. Why does Aaron ALWAYS have to be with Hannah all the time ? Couldn't he let the girls alone sometimes ?? He acts like a glue stick ...
  9. Really thought Anna would be a + for B2 but since her Return, she's been a waste ... Really disappointed !
  10. Think Anna succeeded, she made Mila sleep ! 😡 ... Too bad, Mila was in the mood
  11. RLC, move her to B4 with Tesla ... She will have action for sure
  12. It is so sad to realize that with all the girls we have in all the appartments, and knowing what they can do ( or did) , the most interesting is B5 !!
  13. Amy in B5 ... And a blonde Girl, nice looking ... think I've seen her but not sure
  14. Mila still sleeping ?? What is wrong with her ? Usually, she is more active than that !!
  15. He does EXACTLY like Malia with Leora ... What Leora does, Malia imitates... Same here with Malio Who does the same as Mr Muscle
  16. I found the name of the guy with Nana : Malio ! Like her , he does EXACTLY what the other guy does !
  17. Good news ! Girls are in the house today !! 😉
  18. I know now why she is like that ... If she stops talking or moving, she will fall asleep !
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