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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Since "the Man" talked to them, it has not been the same in the villa, and too bad, it was reviving again ! When will RLC catch that for the good of RLC, they have to go !! And I mean Bogdan and Nelly ! If it can happen before it is too late ...
  2. They could keep stay the manager , but they don't have to stay in a villa ... They can have their own appartment, and let the villa "ressuscitate"
  3. If I could give "Bogdan the Boss" a huge advice, instead of telling Tesla and Elian what NOT to do, he should go to B2 and tell Riya what TO DO ! Then after that, LEAVE THE PROJECT ONCE AND FOR ALL !! And don't forget to bring your wife !
  4. Resolving the problem is really simple: if we want fun back in B4 with girls parties, GET THE COUPLE OUT OF THERE !! as simple as that !
  5. I prefer by far watching Hannah/Aaron than watching these two who think they are so hot. I dream of the day we'll see them moving out and wish it will be ASAP !
  6. Has someone seen Tereza's man Performing oral sex on her ? I never saw him doing that ..
  7. Just watched an old video of Ginger... And was thinking if Ginger could meet Hannah ... Would be great ...
  8. I 'd love to watch Vivian performing the same show she did to Pam, but to Tesla and Elian ... Would be great !
  9. Too bad Pam said NO to Vivian's advances ! Vivian was so tipsy last night ( first time I saw her like that ) , it could have been memorable ! Maybe next time ...
  10. Interesting night coming ! Looks like BDSM between Pam and Vivian !
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