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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. We don't need to see Gina in B4 ... We have Elian and Tesla, perfect for me !!
  2. As someone Said, Cleopatra is a very nice looking roman ... unfortunately, she is with a bunch of guys I just can't stand ... So sorry for me ... I already said I had enough of Gina and her mob, since their appartment opened, I NEVER WATCHED and NEVER WILL !! don't wanna see these bums anymore !
  3. Not sure but I think they decided to Do camping tonight ! They went out with blankets to the backyard and went down the hill
  4. One thing is certain ! Fire is back in B4 !! What if the "star coming to the big room upstairs" is Damira ?? If so, we're not done yet !! 😉
  5. Could it be a Nelly's strategy, asking the girls to get Bog busy ? She could then go see Martina !!
  6. These girls brought back the real GOV concept !! Fun, fun and fun ... B/N, LEAVE !!
  7. One thing is sure for me: I would like to see Elian and Tesla in the big suite upstairs ... Would be fun to watch !
  8. I'd love to see these three beauties giving us a "memorable" show , now that B4 is back with very nice tenants ! If only the couple could leave !! 🤞
  9. If they choose to be 3, I want Vivian and not Nelly .. just Elian and Tesla would be perfect as well. Si elles doivent être 3, je préfère Vivian à Nelly mais juste Tesla et Elian seraient ben correct aussi.
  10. I would prefer just Tesla and Elian ... and Vivian but not Nell ! !
  11. At last, B4 is on track again... If only B/N could get OFF track, that would be perfect !
  12. Already like the newbies ! WELCOME !! It will be interesting to see what we'll get from them !
  13. I just wish it won't be N/B !! Guess we'll still be stuck with those 2 !! 😡
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