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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. For me, I'd love to see back Jasmine and Rosie and watch the continuity of what we've seen before they left
  2. I hope that Sher will change her sad face and not interfere each time Regina is with the twins ... If not, it will be boring
  3. Don't understand ... when nothing happens, everybody is complaining .,.. and whwn there's action, there is still complains ... ! !!!! Why not just enjoy the show !
  4. I know she looks sad, but I hope it's not a jealousy crisis cause Regina's having good times with the twins !
  5. By the way, I find Regina very attracrive and sexy ... even with her curves ... Better see a woman with curves than a too skinny girl ...
  6. Could she be jealous of the twins ? Regina is having fun with the twins and I wonder if that bothers Sher
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