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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. TBH, I really think he's gay ! With all the outfits he has, NO straight guys would wear those . The girls seem to appreciate his kindness but I'm sure he's gay ...
  2. Certainly doesn't deserves to get the main bedroom !
  3. Il a peut-être un " butt plug " dans le cul et plus capable de l'enlever ( ou ne veut pas l'enlever ) 😉
  4. He's so insisting ! Touching, touching, approaching her boobs !!
  5. So disappointed by Sara ! She left Nadia all by herself ...
  6. SARA !! you have one of the prettiest girl of RLC in your bed !! WHY are you STILL in B7 ??
  7. To finish with him, let's just say the whole WORLD must be centered on him ! He probably thinks he's the 9th wonder of the world !
  8. That Wolf is nothing more than an exhibitionist ! I know they all are ... He loves himself so much !!
  9. Question: Who will sleep where ? My prediction : Nadia with Sara , Esmi and Fiora in the double bed in B4, Shantal with Wolf , Rachel and Margo in their beds, alone
  10. He should go ... There must have lots of gay clubs in Barcelona ! 😂
  11. Didn't notice but did Rachel and Sara leave ?
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