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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. She got rid of Lacrim , turned and Kisses Rachel twice ... hope he hot the message !
  2. Sara makes a move on Ashley ... at least 2-3 Kisses with tongues ... could be hot !
  3. B4 has been so boring lately ... Lots of empty beds, no actions or parties, even interactions between them ... LIALIA obviously doesn't want to participate ... RLC must do something and it must be ASAP !!
  4. They will be kicked out for the loud music ... at least I hope so ... I don't like them ... and he's the bastard's brother ... that doesn't help
  5. Thought he was "banned" forever ! Better NOT see him regularly in B5 or any appartment! But are we surprised, RLC put his brother in B5 ! WTF were they thinking ?? It is getting worse and worse !!!
  6. WTF is Dylan doing STILL on B1 ? Has he lost His way to B7 ? Is he STILL hoping one of the 3 will accept to have sex with him ? GET BACK TO B7 OR BETTER, HOME !
  7. Il ne fait jamais rien supposer ... Penses à Radislava quand elle est arrivée : très gênée... et soudain , BOUM !
  8. Would like to see Rachel in " Play mode" with the others ... I'm sure we wouldn't be disappointed !
  9. Don't know if Aya and Oks will continue what they started in B2 ? Now that they are almost alone !
  10. To be honest, I think there are too many guys in the Barcelona's appartments and not enough girls ... We were used to get ONLY GIRLS and I thought it was way better than what we actually have. We had parties, girls were less shy and were participating much. Plus, we had more interactions between them, and if I remember well, the forums were full of " positive comments " ...
  11. There must be something more interesting to do than play charades at 07:00 AM ! Can't believe ...
  12. Same thing each party T/T attend ... Talking, talking and talking ... Never ending talking session ! Hope they leave soon... Their time is done !!
  13. Is Sambuka packing ? Maybe preparing her move to B4 ??
  14. Dylan back in B1 ... Gonna try again with Shantal ! I think he'll be more insistant this time ! Just a feeling...
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