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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. There were lots of parties, fun, interactions between the girls, tub sharing almost everyday in B4 ... plus lots of teasing games, sexy games, etc ... Now what do we have ? Charade Game, Poker Night, girls always on their cellphones or laptops.
  2. I may be old school but I'm a subscriber since 2015, and I can say that RLC was so much popular when there were ONLY GIRLS tenants in the appartments. Since guys came in the villas ( B4 and now B7 ) including the Bastard in B1 , it has NEVER been the same since. It was so much better in the years 2015 - 2019 ...
  3. Is Wolf wearing a pink skirt ? He looks so gay to me ... always flashing his butt ...
  4. When she was in B2 as Sofie's guest, Aurora had a sex night with Sara just beside Sofie !
  5. If it is as hot as it was when they were together, you won't be disappointed !
  6. Looks like Aurora !! If it is her ... Sara and Aurora had lots of sex together in B2 and B1 ...
  7. Think the real answer is RLC doesn't know when she'll be back ! It is just a fucking joke !!
  8. Can't ork let the girls alone, for once !! And WHY does he have to take his shirt off ? Impress who?
  9. We have to admit , this is a major improvement from Rachel ... who could have said that 3 Days ago ( since the party ) ... Let's cross our fingers ... I'm confident ...
  10. There is hope ... it is the farthest she went since she's here ... maybe when they wake up !
  11. Hope we'll see the three together ... talking, or party,
  12. Sad to see three beautiful girls in that appartment barely talking to each other ...
  13. I personnaly ban B5 ... Gabrielle and Louis, a disappointment to me ... and the New couple ... just the fact that the Bastard will reappear with Gina , that's Too Much for me ... I won't watch or Read anything from B5 !
  14. For once, Rachel was loosening up ! That could have been interesting with Sara and Ashley ! The night is not over yet ! Maybe later ?
  15. They CAN'T go anywhere! Always following one or another !!
  16. Could have been nice WITHOUT these 2 dumb idiots ! TBH, that is why I don't like guys in the appartments !
  17. If Sara, Ashley , Megan and Rachel go at it in the bath, it will be awesome ...
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