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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I was just told that the guy looks like it could be her dad....what do you think?
  2. never mind, all i had to do was wait and ddhm would have given me the answer
  3. You don't think any of them do anything wrong so what's your fucking point? I was told Megan was prime for the picking that night and if someone tried to pursue her, it would have been on like Donkey Kong!!!
  4. I heard that Gina had/has a shirt on that puts these miserable, lazy ass, cam sluts in their place!!
  5. Who knows Mauri, nice talking with you though but I have to leave for now so have a great night! I have mudbugs to go eat!!
  6. Compared to most of the rest of the tenants, then yes, if you want to continue to say "masters" then I guess we can all call them that. They know everything there is to know about the functionality of RLC, so I guess we can just call them the masters or puppet masters if you wish. They would be great in their own apartment but under these circumstances they are not. I'm sorry if they are on your favorites list but they are not on any of my lists!! Also, don't act as though Nelly has no part in the decision making process because you would be wrong.
  7. With all due respect, we will just have to agree to disagree. The last people I would put any faith in are Masha, Piper, or Taylor or anyone else that works for that organization. I hope there are no hard feelings! P.S. I never said they were the masters of anything .... but they are the managers and that's all that matters in my decision making!
  8. Wouldn't it just be easier to say....B4 bating? That would take care of the ones that are and also the ones that are going to later and it's something you can post as soon as you wake up and it will take care of the rest of the day LMAO
  9. We will have to agree to disagree Mauri. They are part of the project and managers at the same time or else their names wouldn't be listed in the tenant list. Signing contracts, distributing the girls pay, replenishing supplies, filling empty beds, that's all part of a managers job. RLC can bring new girls but chooses not to because of the red tape involved due to the pandemic. The part about Bogdan being tired of being there amongst all women makes no sense. Is Anthony not a guy? Why did he move Anthony and Loraine to B5 and why in the hell did he move Gina to B4 with the parasite? I'll tell you why he moved Anthony to B5, because he didn't fit in and that is exactly why he moved Gina to B4, because she fits in with the whole party and drug scene. Don't kid yourself my friend, Nelly and Bogdan know what they are doing when it comes to surrounding themselves with drug head friends/people. I'm sorry Mauri, I respect you and agree with a lot of what you say but this time I can not agree with you no matter where you got this information from. The saddest part of all is that they (Nelly & Bogdan) will be in the villa from now on and that in itself is enough for me to never want to subscribe ever again!!
  10. Everybody is different Fagen, let me tell you a little funny story. There was a guy that worked for me years ago and this guy never smiled and had one of those faces that were on the long side, more oval if you will. My then wife and I had a get together at our house and he showed up by himself. I introduced him to my younger brother who he had never met before, and after a handshake, my brother looked him straight in the eye and said....nice to meet you Steve, why the long face. Believe it or not, that was the first time I had ever seen Steve give an inkling of a smile. Later, I told my brother that I couldn't believe he said that to him and he just replied....I was trying to lighten the mood, and it worked for everyone there. So the bottom line is Serafima is different than what you are used to seeing on RLC and that doesn't make her any less important than the others IMO. She's just different!!
  11. You didn't like Serafima, I get it, but Radislava didn't handle it right either. It was the principle of the fight, and not that Serafima wanted her fucking blueberries back. If they're not yours in the first place, you have no right to take them...end of story!!!
  12. I told you why she got moved to B4, it's so B4 would have no empty beds. No empty beds makes Nelly & Bogdan look good and that's exactly why it happened!!
  13. This is where you and I differ Fagen. You're looking at Serafima as some kind of stuck up bitch because she didn't like what Radislava did with her blueberries for which nobody knows the exact reason for the animosity between the two of them. My point was, that I can appreciate a girl more for not acting slutty on camera and being more in control of herself, much more than I can appreciate the fake girls in the rest of the apartments/house. When people share the same roof there is always going to be disagreements/arguments, it's human nature. It's how it's resolved by the individuals that defines them and to my knowledge from what I've read of the whole fiasco, neither of them handled it in a mature fashion!! So now, Serafima gets the bad wrap and Radislava get's off Scott free in your book and to me that's just wrong!!
  14. and guess what, when the sugar daddy doesn't work out they will be right back on RLC being a POD!!
  15. That's because they know that is all they have to do to earn a comfortable living until they can meet their sugar daddy and get out of the business for good!!
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