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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Good points but I still don't believe in it and I will never condone it!
  2. They are there to stay unfortunately, not even the Jaws of life could pry their sorry asses out of B4!!
  3. What is wrong with the youth today!! I will never understand nor agree with open relationships!!!!
  4. Her life is way more difficult then that sad old excuse of a woman!
  5. Wasn't he all cuddled up with Baby a few nights ago? I was told at one point he even groped her, hmmm...wonder what his girlfriend would think of that. Just sayin!
  6. OK, let me try to explain....imagine for one moment that you actually had a girlfriend, not a girl friend, do you honestly think she would appreciate you spending time with two single females? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question!!
  7. LMAO he has a girlfriend and shouldn't even be there!!
  8. A very small discreet tattoo is one thing but girls like Amalia, Serafima, Pam, Gina, Linda, Baby, Amira....no thanks. For sure NO fake tits or women who smoke!!
  9. I'm afraid there is no hope for Martina at this point. She's made her bed and now she's going to have to lie in it!!
  10. Yes, him and all the rest of you are chomping at the bit over this "so called theme" party. When I was their age and was with a big group of friends, the thought of a themed party would never have left my lips....I'd been chased out of town over something so stupid. Keep in mind though, for Halloween, the 4th of July, St.Patricks Day, that would be different but not just a random party!! I can't wait to read how lame this party turns out. No matter how many people (irresponsible) there are or how much drugs and liquor are consumed and who fucks who, it will be another disastrous party like so many have been before!
  11. Sadly I agree with you except for the whole Holly Vs. Kitty in the looks department. I personally think they are all average at best! I don't like tatted up women or women with fake breasts or smokers, so in my opinion they are average at best!!
  12. Why don't you just say it like it is Rangnar, just another stupid ass show night!!
  13. you must really be excited for the big shindig about to happen then. i can't wait to hear all the praise the place get's because i'm sure it will be the party of the century!!
  14. That bothers you that much, an emoji? people put a laughing emoji on just about all of my posts and it doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, I think it's funnier than a flock of turtles or a 3 legged dog with only one eye....they call him Lucky!!
  15. Of course....it's always every tenants birthday when they come on to RLC. Hell, most of them must be pushing 50 years old by now LMAO. As for Cesar and his fuck head friends.....no thanks!!
  16. By the way, as you all probably seen it in the kitchen the day A&M showed up. What did you all think about the way Martina jumped into Bogdan's arms and wrapped her legs around him? Do you all still think that unaccounted for 2.5 hours was for Martina to help Bogdan with some Spanish homework? Just curious you all's thoughts on the matter.
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