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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. That'a a great choice! One of my all time favorites!!
  2. I'd have said it a different way, but you are 100% correct!!
  3. What's up JH? Yep, I'm still the classes lonely asshole! You know you've missed me about as much as I've missed you LOL. Where the hell have you been?
  4. I won't speculate either but if no one is still not home......I think everybody knows where they are!!!
  5. It was time to leave the day she came back. I'll never understand RLC with all the repeats. Maybe there is not as many girls that are willing to be amateur porn stars as people might think.
  6. Whatever, I'm tired of complaining about the idiots that abuse their bodies with botox, ink, silicone, etc., etc., etc..
  7. I'm all good with the idea of RLC showing real life, but that is never going to happen. There should be a camera in every possible room where a person can fit their or other bodies in. If the tenants want to consume drugs then they should do it away from the apartments. When I was a member years ago, I personally witnessed the consumption of drugs on many occasions and I feel that is something wrong to promote. Sorry you disagree, maybe you are a drug consumer and therefore it doesn't bother you but i'm not and I will always speak out about it!! As for your morals comment.....most of the users of CC are in desperate need of some!!
  8. So, I hear that Pam has already been in B5 for at least 30 minutes and she has already had the cocaine sniffed by Loraine and Anthony......this is what I'm talking about when I say a company that encourages drug use!! Let me tell you all how this night is gong to go: They will have their cocaine on more than one occasion and they will put on some lame ass show and then they will sleep. Wash, rinse, dry, and repeat!!
  9. I find it funny that you and others support a company that encourages drug use to their employee's. I find it funny that you support a company where the real sexual depravity happens off camera. I find it funny that you support a company where the tenants are gone during this time of year, much more than they will be home. I don't want to hear that....the viewers have never seen them doing drugs or they don't do drugs because you have never seen them doing drugs. I don't want to hear that.....they go off camera and don't have a passion pit somewhere and hook up. I don't want to hear that....they are out enjoying the sights of Barcelona or sitting a café enjoying a drink or dinner for hours on end. I'm tired of your's and others who feel like you do and don't give a shit about what you are paying for. You are the classic example of a guy that goes into a tire shop and comes out with a brand new motor under the hood!!!
  10. Just in case you haven't noticed, the whole of RLC has always been strange ever since the Barca apartments first came online.
  11. Thank you, i should have reread what i was going to post before posting....it's corrected now. As for your returning to Russia comment, I totally agree with you.
  12. People that are honest with themselves and not people like you that never have anything bad to say. To you, RLC and it's participants DO NO WRONG, for me I say it like it is and it offends you and others. I don't tip toe around the daisy's to please people or to make them think they are all that and a bag of chips!! Respect is not something someone deserves, it's something someone earns!! P.S. for your "can you tell me what you like in life" question, myself nor you have that much time!!
  13. you just can't get rid of the tatted up, ugly girl....sorry if this offends anyone, it's just how I feel about it!!
  14. Yet another girl wanting to ruin something that is already nice....what a shame!!
  15. Let's hope it stays that way but we all know the longer they act together the more the act will go a different direction. Clair and Carlos are always looking for a victim to indulge them in their sexual acts and quite personally I find them disgusting!!
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