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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Let's just say that I have seen clips from my source and when I receive them he asks me to watch them and tell him what I watched....for the most part I was spot on with what he observed. Am I 80% spot on or 60% spot on, who knows, I've never asked him but I will and I'll get back to you. My point being is this, quit trying to judge me for what I don't see but at the same time you, yourself have to understand that what you do see at times can line up with what others may see......and i use the words "at times" very loosely because more times than not, what you saw will be different than what others saw.
  2. If 50% of the couples in this world were like Martina & Alberto, this world would be done and you would no longer cease to exist!!
  3. Just to clear the air here.....I never said it was an RLC setup. What I said was they decided between themselves to become a couple to get on RLC. As it stands now, I was wrong and I apologize.
  4. Harley doesn't have a problem with not being able to watch them at all. It's you all that only want to look at everything one way and you feel like your superior because you watch them. You feel like you are right because that is how it is in your own mind. Like I told someone yesterday, you can take 10 people and make them watch a 5 minute clip about something, anything, and you will get 10 completely different answers about the clip they just watched. It's no different with RLC, you see things the way you want to see them and others see something totally different. So, who's right and who's wrong? Nobody knows who's right and who's wrong because everyone see's it differently.
  5. I don't watch them at all and only go off of what i'm told via PM's or by what I read on the forum. Yes, she is also 24 and he's at least 35 or older and as someone said without being mean, she could have done better and I think he knows that and understands it fully. Anyone can have affection for someone regardless of their situation. Of course with them being in the spotlight for several years now, there could also be some kind of mutual love that has developed. Would Martina ever marry Alberto, I seriously doubt that she would. That would spoil everything for both of them and they both now it. Plus, when you marry someone, you marry them for life with the only expiration date being that of one or the other passing. I could be way off base and I hope that I am, but from what I read about them I really don't think I'm that far off. It's funny when I think about the people I know and their marriages to their partners. Most all of the men would tell you that they wear the pants in the family but when it comes to starvation and having sex, she wears the pants in the family. One of the best jokes regarding this goes something like this.....The wife comes home and finds her husband all pissed off about something and she tells him to calm down. He replied by saying....don't tell me what to do, I wear the pants in this family. The wife quickly took off her pants and tossed them to him and said put these on. The husband said, I can't get in those pants and she said you're right and if you ever want to get in them in the future you will change your tune to which he replied......yes dear. I can't remember it fully but that's how it goes lol
  6. Sorry Jimbo, I tried to increase the font size after I posted but it wouldn't let me.
  7. Woh Woh Woh there cat daddy Jimbo, you can't leave this forum!! You are one of the only people on here that make any damn sense!! I know if you have it in your heart to do so, then it will be done but I strongly ask you to reconsider. Yes, you and I have had our differences and we have worked through them and hopefully there will be no more in the future and as for Pepe, i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Yes, what he did was wrong and i'll never forgive him for that and if others besides yourself have been wronged by him, I hope they will never forgive him either. It's very obvious that Pepe is 95% with living in his own dreams and 5% of anything else!! I wish I could wrap my head further around your decision to leave the forum. Feel free to PM me if you want to say more. I could always use another army cat to chat with!!
  8. Yes, it sounds very much one sided if you ask me. When Martina says jump, the only reply from Alberto better be...how high!!
  9. I respect your assessment even though I don't agree with any of it. I honestly think they formed a partnership to be on RLC and to get free room and board and have money to spend on mountain bikes, fish aquariums, computer games, cigarettes, and of course.....you guessed it, food. Has their partnership evolved into something else, maybe but I truly doubt it. If Alberto were to put his foot down on Martina and her amorous adventures, she would be gone in a heartbeat!! Sorry if I stepped on anyone's feets!! The forum can always use new posters so jump in the fire!!
  10. It'a a damn shame to read that it is always just touching and teasing time for Sera lol. I mean, from the pictures I've seen of the woman, she is a good looking woman and I could see where people would want to see her explore herself if not someone else. It's just sad that she has made no progress in the times she has been on RLC. Hopefully one day she will but I will not hold my breath!!
  11. First off SG, you have to understand that I usually only read what has happened in this apartment about once a week. Other than that I usually just mark this apartment as being read. In case you don't know what I'm referring to, there is a button near the top of the page that you can click on that will make the apartment be read without having to read any of it. I usually only read about this apartment on Sundays when I have the most relaxing of times but today I had something happen and I was pretty worked up about it and decided to read it again. So nothing happened anymore or any less than what they have usually done...am I correct at least with that statement? I do appreciate your input and thank you for getting back to me!
  12. I'm not putting you on the stand like it's a court of law, but could you explain a little more about this turnaround you speak of. What happened tonight to make you say such a thing. Did they do something different or was it the same but different? From not watching anything they do, I am curious to know what made you say the "turnaround". Thanks in advance!
  13. from the sound of it, it's already old to you. am I right or way off base? the way I read this couple is like they feel the need to do it as often as they can to insure remaining on RLC. am I right or way off base?
  14. She knows that and that's why she uses them. You can thank Nora originally and now Nelly & Bogdan because they all encourage that shitty lighting!!
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