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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Oh ok, must be the next themed party they are going to have. Thanks for the info!!
  2. Just exactly WTF are you wanting to give the girls credit for? You need to go outside and get away from that stale air inside your place!!!
  3. viewing it might have been interesting to you, but reading it was certainly not!!
  4. I think it's pretty obvious that Bogdan didn't know what happened the first time between N & M because if he did he would have put a stop to it then. As for the 2.5 hour ride home, I think there was a lot more going on than just him telling Martina that her and Nelly couldn't be together anymore. Whatever fits for you is fine as well !!
  5. Have you ever thought that they were just thank you flowers? Thanks for the fuck...here is some flowers!!
  6. I wait for the day you finally say that you have had enough and cancel your subscription!! The stuff that happens in B5 can only be to entice new subscriptions. Anybody that has been watching or reading about the farce in B5 is so bored out of their minds that they don't know what to do. Cancellation of sub is the only way to get their attention......it's like a big marquis saying...we the people, for RLC, have had enough!!
  7. I prefer to call them....pleasantly plump!! No skin and bones for this guy!!
  8. You wouldn't know reality if it bit you on the ass!!! Say's the guy that lives on a cam site!!
  9. I used to have so much shit on these girls before I flushed it all out of my PM folders. You wouldn't believe what some of these girls were into....pedestal trophy's, certainly not!!
  10. How much longer? I'm on pins and needles here.......that one was for you Robwin!!
  11. I told you a long long time ago that I hate sarcasm!! Back in my early 20's, I had a boss that was a sarcastic prick and the day I left that job I told him.....you need to consider yourself very lucky, and he said why, and I said....because I didn't kick your sarcastic ass!! He shoved me and said get out of here it's your last day...next thing he knew, he was picking himself up off the floor!!
  12. Don't think for one second that the girls that visit Dubai after RLC, are paying anything to be there. Dubai is a place that they really make their money!!
  13. I have plenty of things to do! Just because I come on here when I get a chance, doesn't mean I have nothing to do. What is it with you people? Just because you all don't have anything better to do, you think that goes for everyone on this forum? I just like poking the bee hive from time to time...what's the matter with that LOL.
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