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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Oh OK, hopefully she will do an open bate for you one of these days.
  2. I wouldn't mind having it myself, only because she is new and I don't get to see her otherwise.
  3. I don't know about firing them but I do know that they shouldn't be in the position they are in as managers and be involved in the project as well....huge conflict of interest!
  4. So what they did the other night with the 3 bozo's, is that what you call acting naturally? I'll take BS fake lesbian shows over what I was told they did with those 3 bozo's any damn day!
  5. Let me just say this Sig, if RLC got rid of every single girl with the exception of Ariana & Elmira, and brought in new girls that have never been seen before by anybody including the screeners and Moos lol, then I might be tempted to subscribe again after an almost 4 year drought!!! As it is now, I would not watch B4 unless Elmira was there and that would be the only time I would watch it. So to me it's a huge waste of money!!
  6. If I enjoyed watching it, I'd pay for it. So, the answer to your question is NO.
  7. First off, him straying is in the works or he wouldn't be there. Secondly, Bill Murray is 100% correct with his assessment!! Just PIT-T-FULLLL
  8. Shit can them all is what I say!! Especially Nel & Bog!!
  9. It's still a copout no matter what they say! The only time it would be warranted is if a woman had to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer or some kind of sickness/illness.
  10. OH....no doubt! It's time the lazy sumbitches of RLC took out the trash and put a new smell back in the air!!
  11. LOL Gina lives in Barcelona and could have left months ago, but do to RLC's unwillingness to bring in new girls, which they could without a problem, you are stuck with her silly ass!
  12. LMAO...not these women, they want a clown of a man, someone they can control with ease. Piper is just another idiot of a woman that thinks bigger is better!!
  13. Sorry to hijack this question, but Bogdan is an arrogant SOB and will never leave just to spite the viewer. Currently he is in a room with his shadow Nelly that is keeping two more girls from showing up. He & her should not be involved in the project while they are managers. No sir, you are stuck with that goofy looking dude and his goofy looking wife. Did you hear what I said....him & his wife, meaning a married couple in a house with single women. Piss poor decision once again by RLC!!
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