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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I picture her playing with herself and typing with one finger! LOL
  2. No shit Sherlock! I guess I need to tone it down to a first graders level then....Holly is Kylie and Rus' Kim
  3. I can't believe that none of you are pissed off for what Martina & Alberto did by being off camera to have some kind of sexual adventure. I could understand it if they actually took a vacation and played how they wanted too. RLC's tenants already keep enough bullshit off camera's and now I see why. The subscribers just don't give a damn!!
  4. There is absolutely nothing to get excited about with this news. It could be another 2 months before they actually leave!
  5. So Kylie and Rus have chosen Holly as their new Kim....fasten your seatbelts!!
  6. She'll be there just have patience....same song, second verse
  7. It won't be a couple, it will be a girl with big tits and her name is Viola. It will be the same as it was the last time they were here.
  8. Best news of the night! They need to steer clear of the showboat idiots!!
  9. Yeah it's just sad that all the other cubicle workers are not there....what a damn shame
  10. If Kristy and Alana go to that miserable sh!t hole of B5, I am going to be very disappointed in them and RLC.
  11. I didn't beg for the video, there is a difference!
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