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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. So, with a bottle of Jäger, off they go to the "break room".
  2. LMAO I have all the support I need but thanks for caring
  3. Hopefully for you all she is Malia's younger, wilder sister...there is a very strong resemblance.
  4. I trust the translators as about as far as I can thrown them. I don't buy into their hypocritical bullshit!!
  5. ddhm, you are the biggest troll on this forum!! As for me admitting I was wrong, it's all in fun and that's what this forum used to be about. Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't matter.
  6. Who cares....it's all a scam anyway! I take it that Rus would not be comfortable with Kylie having another male porking his old lady but clearly Kylie has no problems taunting another girl around him to get her jolly's off.
  7. You should worry about the girls and website you protect on a daily basis 😬
  8. They have to keep the "show mode" alive on RLC. It is exactly like the last time K&R were here with Viola but this time it's a different friend to make lame shows with.
  9. Actually, I miss the working part quite a bit but I would never miss the drive. Don't get me wrong, I love to drive when it's for pure pleasure but driving to work didn't fit that category.
  10. Even though I'm retired, I don't have that much time on my hands.
  11. Max Ragnar wrote: I want to add an entirely unsolicited comment about Leora. Leora is sexy, attractive and entirely, beyond entirely self centered. She couldn't care less if Paul came, or if his needs were met. She cared about cumming; to wit having an orgasm regardless if and who came before, with or after her. She has a following (I regretfully admit I am one) that like to see her bate, cum alone or with company. (Again I am one). I would add as a considerably experienced man with a pretty significant number of female partners as a single man before married to a women I loved (wife cheated) I believe I have enough of a baseline of reference/dog in the fight to comment with a degree of authority. Never ever, gasp!, met a woman like Leora hand on the hoo-hoo panty-less watching TV or with her longtime friend next to her or thousands of strangers paying to see it.. Leora is a woman whose entire life revolves around the orgasm. For her being paid to do so especially in front of other people is a win-win-win. She cares about dogs. (Bless her filthy albeit sexy little heart) but her place and worth to society is entirely encompassed to her being seen orgasming in front of strangers for pay, free rent and expenses. I watch her because she is sexy, amoral and exciting. That is not a good resume for life (once the beauty goes). She really did corrupted Malia her life long friend. I suspect she is going to groom the new kid. An indictment against my personal will power I will watch her do so. Having said that Leora is headed down a road with a dead end street. She keeps it up and she will die alone. Criticize my words but what else is gonna happen to this attractive selfish amoral woman bating to strangers for pay if she doesn't wake up and think about her looming post babe years of life. The post babe years are dead womb years. So long family/ kids/mommy. I write this for feedback. I'm a voyeur as are you. It is destructive to Leora's future to feed our desires but the money's good. Let's see where she is 30 years from now. I was 34 when I woke up. After leaving a trail of woe to others. Hope she gets some clarity. I really enjoy her decadence. My bad. But she is oblivious to what she is losing for easy money. If her dad watched her bate and being bated by Malia would she be proud of her occupation? Don't think so or she tell her family and friends (she hides it from). What thinks the forum? (*It's not about me, people, it's directed at her, okay. Please let's focus on Leora and her behavior with is in no way 'normal' which is why we watch.) Hope the comments are cerebral not emotional. Like people to collate the cabbage not throw verbal rocks. ..................................................................................................................................................................... I fixed it for you!
  12. My suggestion would be to just sit back and watch and quit trying to influence these girls to mingle with each other!!
  13. Thanks Jen, it doesn't matter to me if anyone agrees with me or not, it's how have always felt about RLC and the amount of time the tenants are off camera. I still believe that RLC has a spare apartment that the tenants can use anytime they want provided that other tenants are not already using it.....like a break room if you will. As for you re-upping, save your money and put that money in a college fund for your children!
  14. Just to be "forum politically correct" are you sure it's a dildo show and not a vibrator show?
  15. Once again, I know Kim did her shows with Alex & Lucian and to bring my point back to a first graders level, Holly will be for Kylie & Rus what Kim was for Alex & Lucian.
  16. Good for him...there is somebody out there for everyone and there is not a snowball's chance in hell I would ever travel out of the country for a piece of ass!
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