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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LMAO why is that strange? They don't know the whacko's from the other apartments so why would they want to socialize with them? Why is it that you viewers feel the necessity for all of these Barcelona apartments to mingle together? It would be so boring watching one apartment going to another apartment, it's like office workers going from one cubicle to another and it doesn't encourage any outside guest involvement.
  2. It will be just another meaningless, emotionless, sub grabbing show!
  3. Was she carrying a trough of food for her bedside table?
  4. No, I do not want that footage!! I can't stand Kylie and Russputin and they are all repeats.
  5. Let the show begin LMAO. The next thing they will do is take their communal bath together.....same sh!t, different week!!
  6. Well, there you have it. If Noldus said it, it must be true!
  7. Everyone is different in this scenario. Fiora is the clean freak and Harley not so much. Fiora is the showboat and expects the rest of the girls on RLC to be the showboats as well and maybe there is some resentment for that from Harley. Who knows...I certainly do not lol. Maybe Harley is pissed that she drew the short straw...who knows lol.
  8. This again, in my opinion is one of the worst things about RLC and the tenants. They spend way too much time off camera for them getting paid by the viewers to do their job. To answer your question though....No I don't expect her to have a social life but when you come to a voyeur site, you should be seen more than you are outside.
  9. Sorry, there is just not anything on RLC that interests me anymore for me to subscribe again. The only reason I wanted to see the video of Radi and her friend is because they are both new (even though Radi has been here forever) to RLC and not repeats.
  10. I just seems to me that Fiora could have tried a different approach. Very rarely does screaming and yelling to make a point ever do any good. Did Fiora, if all you say is true, have a right to be upset with Harley, yes but it's the way she handled it that seems to be the problem in my opinion. If this is something that has been occurring a lot since they have been in the apartment together, then maybe they ought to switch rooms and see if anything changes. If that doesn't work, then one of them needs to just go on their marry way.
  11. If there truly is a problem with him, I wouldn't constitute her being away from him all the time as trying to help him.
  12. Maybe it's depression of their situation. Not everyone is cut out to be in an environment such as RLC. The fact remains the same, nobody knows anything about their life or their situation.
  13. Fill them full of drugs and alcohol and we can have our way with them!!
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