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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. There is more than enough apartment (cubicle) swapping already. IMO that is what's really killing RLC! Well, that and all the musical beds they are playing. It's easy to see who is in control here and it's not RLC management!!
  2. LMAO it won't make any difference!! All of you should have known from last night's BS B5 party that Luya was officially coming to the project.
  3. LMAO Holly is just another girl in the Barcelona sex trade business known as RLC. She is average at best and I can't believe those idiots named the girl that Holly brought to RLC....Tweety. Luya was a perfect name that someone gave her and those idiots named her Tweety. Does Tweety look like a bird?
  4. LMAO what another lame a$$ move, her a$$ should have been gone a long time ago!!
  5. Let's hope not, she needs to disappear and never come back.
  6. Because for some strange reason they (the people in the forum) think moving a multiple repeater to B4 is going to make it so much better. It's just another of those "changes will be made soon...hope you like them" bullshit from RLC!! They should have sh!t canned Holly and kept the person she brought to the trade!!
  7. I'm sorry to here about your dad and I'm glad that he has passed the "danger zone" and can only believe he will get stronger and stronger with time. I can only imagine how upset you and your mother must have been! I love reading that he is your best friend, I think that is a great thing! Yes, there is no problem with you messing around with me at anytime. My heart problem is what's going on with me and that's why I take it extremely easy in the hot summer months. The heat tares me down so quickly in the summer that I avoid it as much as possible. Here's for hoping that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas this year!!
  8. I rest! As for my summer, it's a bad time for me so I take it as easy as possible! Hope all is well in your world!!
  9. Kinda sounds like you might have some experience in the matter SC LOL
  10. I don't know all the particulars but they told him if he was thinking about taking anything back to his hotel room to be sure and cup check them first.
  11. Sad but true, but a cup check could have prevented all that lol
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