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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. He said they were everywhere in the clubs they went to
  2. Not every little detail but I know how the show works and some people like you, never figure it out!
  3. You are partially right but the bottom line is, if the overhead light would have been on or no lights would have been on, the bate she finally gave that could have shown something worth looking at would have been worth it.
  4. Why can't people on this forum not worry about what others say and have to get their digs in on people!!
  5. Sounds like the ultimate click bait to me! Where is Mak, in his room or is he participating?
  6. LOL...one of the greatest bands ever!!
  7. I can tell you this, a friend of mine went on a start-up to China and he could tell you it's definitely not a leg. He was told by the people that he worked with there during his 4 month stay, that you should always do a cup check no matter how pretty the guy is LMAO. Ohh the stories he could tell about that place!!
  8. From what I was told the lighting absolutely sucked and that it would have been worth seeing if it was in NV, so I don't think you really missed anything.
  9. BRAVO....excellent said!! In case you didn't catch it, that was a ddhm-ism. I do totally agree with you though.
  10. I'll remain with the opinion that from the minute I was told the wanker was back, that there was already a plan in place between him, Lola, and Anna to use his popular seduction water to have sex with Mila. You can have your own opinions and agree with what went on, that's your prerogative. I will stick with my stance that Mila was totally unaware of the spiked drinks and a victim at the start. I know for a fact that Radislava will not be proud of her and I can say that I don't blame her. I guess my whole problem with RLC for the most part is the excessive drug use. If the tenants need drugs to do what they're on RLC to do, then I want no part of it!! If someone would have said it was totally natural and there were no drugs in sight, then I would feel much better about it. The problem is, is that everything the tenants do especially in all of the Barcelona apartments is as far from natural as it can get!!
  11. I've seen it all my life where there were dogs with 3 legs, deer with 3 legs, even a skunk with 3 legs, and not to mention those 3 legged women you got to be very careful of!
  12. That's true, it could always be worse that's for sure.
  13. AMEN.....does he ever shut up? I think even DD could get lucky in B2!
  14. You are correct and I stand by what I have said about her or any of them for that matter!
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