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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Bingo....they are all about the majority of the viewers not understanding the language!!!
  2. There is a big community of Russian/Ukrainian people that already live in Spain and since it appears that that is really the only tenants they want, I don't see a problem.
  3. Why is it so hard to understand that they can recruit girls from Spain...locally? It just boils down to RLC being lazy IMHO.
  4. doggone it, i keep forgetting that.....thanks for the reminder!
  5. Just out of curiosity, what makes you think Malia is gay and not bisexual? Just asking because i'm curiously curious!
  6. I don't know if I would go that far!!!......................just kidding Moos 😬
  7. The GOV girls show exactly what kind of girls they are Moos, so much so that a first grader could figure it out. I'm not saying that Leora going out until weeee hours of the morning is only to drink coffee. Anyone would be a fool to believe otherwise, but the bottom line is that she carries herself like a lady and not some 2 bit tramp. Stop defending the GOV girls for their actions and then coming into this thread and trying to compare the two. A good mod is invisible!!!
  8. Because one girl will fuck anything that moves, where the other girl obviously will not......end of fucking story!!
  9. The rules are outdated (that means: TOO FUCKING OLD) and don't fit in with the 21st century ideology that you preach so much about. This forum has suffered from the rules that you believe to be correct!! It's time to get up with the 21st century and remove all this BS censorship!!
  10. 👍 You have to make your emojis bigger to get the desired affect 👍 P.S. I'm glad someone else see's it the same way I do!!
  11. I refuse to believe that you all are stuck with the lousy cast of tenants that you have. This is just a classic example of RLC being totally lazy!! What is easier for RLC, changing out girls anywhere from 1 month to 3 months to letting them stay like they are doing now? The answer is quite simple, Covid or not, they are just being lazy!!
  12. Good Morning Isidore, yes, he has done that to several of my posts as well because they don't fit into the happy, joyous banter of the forum ..... censorship at it's finest !! I knew how he was going to be when he first became a mod and it's never changed. The only positive thing I can say about him is at least he's consistent!
  13. Finally something possibly real and you don't want to see it !!!
  14. Getting the villa ready for the next lame ass show no doubt!
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