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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Nobody, it's what I believe is going to happen. Hell, haven't the two losers from B5 been to B4 on the weekends for the past 2 to 3 weeks? I just believe that the two losers from B5 can't stay in their apartment. Are they in their apartment now?
  2. It's probably UM so they can receive some products for the party tonight. I'm sure there will be others there when it comes back online.
  3. LOL Danaya was the queen of death bed bates for sure. As for your eyes, have you had them checked lately? It might improve your golf game.
  4. I wonder where the shit show is going to be tonight. I'm betting on B1 or B2 and hopefully not B4 or B5.
  5. I think Costa is fixing to send you home if you don't quit bothering him about Esmi LOL
  6. By George...I think you're right! For as little as the fitness room is used, and you have to admit it's very little, they could have put 2 bedrooms in there that share a common bathroom.
  7. exactly, and I wasn't trying to defend you. I believe each girl should have their own room...simple as that!
  8. Don't let these guys get to you Costa, any girl on RLC should have their own room.....no if's, and's, or but's about it.
  9. It ain't the quantity, it's the quality and now B4 has dropped to the bottom of the totem pole!
  10. I grew up in a family with six kids and even though there was some room sharing at times, there was never any bed sharing. We all always had our own bed.
  11. Oh, now I got it, he meant camping lol
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