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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. The allure is it makes them look like they aren't as pudgy, slimming if you will. Right on buying your wife lace front panties 👍
  2. I used to feel the same way about locals Ed, of course this was several years ago when I was a subscriber. Now, after rethinking the whole locals thing, I can see where it would just piss me off that I'm paying too much money for a subscription and the locals spend the majority of their time off camera and probably in their real residence taking care of their place, the yard, watering the plants, making sure any pets are fed and taken care of and some might be breast feeding a child. No sir, I think locals regardless of the "social network" they have are a very bad thing for RLC. It's just like all this talk of another villa coming online which I think might be possible but in my opinion very stupid, the girls can leave villa #1 and walk down the street to villa #2 and hang out off camera just like some tenants used to do in villa #1 before the fitness room showed up. I believe you are paying good money to see these tenants and I believer that 80% of the time their asses should be on camera. I believer hidden areas should be covered by cameras or strictly off limits...if a tenant gets caught, they're gone....no if's, and's, or but's A little secret for you Ed, with Kristy being back I went to subscribe for the first time in a long long time because I've always liked Kristy. My transaction was stopped by my bank and therefore I was unable to subscribe. I think that was a good sign for me and that's where I left it.
  3. That is a part of it for sure but not all of it when it comes to a relationship. My late wife and I each did our share during our marriage and neither of us ever felt bogged down with anything. She loved to cook and was good at it and I loved to cook and was good at it. It's all about sharing and caring!!
  4. I agree with Jenn here, a large part of what you see on camera is for the viewing audience, an obligation if you will. When they really want it to be about just them two, they supposedly keep it off camera in a hotel room.
  5. Another good reason for sure!! The quote I liked most was this one.........She wrote: “No we are not. Definitely wouldn’t recommend going open, if it doesn’t feel the same anymore then chances are you need to move on!”
  6. Damn it Jenn, I haven't even finished having my fun with you yet and surprise, you post this before I could finish lol. No man, let me make sure you understand what I'm saying here....NO MAN, not boy, would ever allow another man into his girlfriend or wives bed without the shit hitting the fan!! As for him being OK with another woman being in his bed...what choice does he have right now? He has no job with nothing to fall back on. He would have to start all over again if he were to ever tell Martina, enough is enough....she'd kick his ass out or she would leave, either way Alberto would be out on his ass. Another reason why he might be OK with it is because most MEN don't feel threatened by another woman. All women like penetration (ALL) even if they are bi-sexual or full blown lesbian, so for most men there is not a threat when it comes to another woman. Honestly, you ask me about using the word allow? I honestly don't think Alberto has any control over Martina (the ni ni) and that is my whole point. If she ever brings in another man and fucks him on camera, (which she won't because she's not that stupid or cold hearted) I believe it would be the end of their relationship FWB or not. I think Alberto would tell her that he's had enough of her shit, pack his bags and leave. A lot of people thank Martina hung the moon, but to me she's just another female!!
  7. He was putting it nicely but yes she is a..............skank!
  8. Alberto would never knowingly allow Martina to fuck another man in his bed no matter if it's a FWB situation or not.
  9. You can show your ass right here, there are a lot of forum members that would love to see it LMAO
  10. I don't have to show you shit! I will tell you what my preference is for tenants when it comes to RLC. I want someone that is not fake, NO tattoos, NO botox, doesn't smoke like a chimney, NOT your model types, just your basic everyday southern cutie. These girls are so full of themselves it hurts. They're lazy and could never hold down a 9 to 5 job for any length of time. They are alcoholics and drug users who are destroying themselves. In 20 years, which is when I think women reach their peak of beauty, they will look like the leather lady at the tumbleweed store in a small Texas town. Sorry Jugg, yours and my taste are completely different apparently. My kind of girl... My favorite kind of girl...
  11. LMAO it would still be a show no matter how much they downplayed it. To never see or hear about Nelly & Bogdan again would be a blessing!! Yes, you might as well watch Pornhub!
  12. I don't watch but you explained her perfectly from what I know of her.....she needs to pack her shit and leave! That bag gonna be big enough?
  13. The best thing to do would be to kick Karol to the curb and give one of the sisters her room
  14. I was with you until you got to the last paragraph....sad sad sad! It is just you and a few others that want to see this kind of shit on RLC....move your subscription to VHTV and you will be much happier and can save a little soccer mom money.
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