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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was actually Luya that got everybody together. Hince, her visit to B6 the night before.
  2. There is no succeeding in getting Luya for herself. Luya has discovered more money by participating in these stupid shows.....end of story!!
  3. I'm glad Holly and Loraine have finally seen the light with those two idiots and Luya has yet to discover it even though it sounds like she was there in spirits last night. I don't think Holly and Luya's relationship is as strong as others profess it to be.
  4. 100% agree! I think they both got tired of K&R's stupid bullshit and I don't blame them one bit. The question is, who invited those two losers in the first damn place?
  5. Yes, the guy is a loser and can only get his thrills hoping something sick and distasteful happens like last night.
  6. Fantastic? It's fucking sad and pathetic!! The sooner those two leave the better!
  7. I'm sorry but you and I will never agree on this.......ever!
  8. Dude, the value of voyeurism is non existent on a site that you have to pay for where all the participants know and can see the camera's no matter how they act. As for RLC including lesbians, that would be great if they would have a couple of apartments with true lesbians in them as long as they were not all butch looking and that would probably prompt me in to subscribing again. As it stands now there are way too many guys showing up for my tastes. The fact that this drug dealing dip shit Daniel is around, is enough to make anyone want to cancel their subscription. Not to mention Bogdan and Fiors cameos and that loser Rus! To get the exciting with real emotions and real people you need to dress in black and go peeping in your neighbors windows because that is the only way that is ever going to happen.
  9. I actually agree with you on this. As for making love to @girlsfun2 you can have that, I would just love to hang out with her and pick her brain.
  10. LMAO...so you think Harley will be next on her list or is she just pissed off at this Harley? I knew I shouldn't have changed my pipes to dampen the noise!
  11. It will only be a matter of time before Rus rears his ugly head!
  12. No Hugh Hefner want to be? It doesn't matter, Kylie will find some way to ruin the visit!!
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