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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL I was told that Mila left the Villa and more than likely headed to her temporary home in B2. I feel sad for her because the predator photographer is still there and he will be getting Anna involved so that he can have sex with Mila and complete his "hat trick". Very sad if you ask me but that's show business!!
  2. LOL I know what you thought and I know you were being sarcastic. I just picked your post as one to have fun with
  3. LOL you keep thinking that! No, i'll tell you what I'll do, I'm willing to bet you a months salary that I know the exact address. So, the ball is in your court....put your money where your mouth is!!
  4. I'm fine where I'm at!! Just fly to Barcelona and check out all the cat houses in the area of where these girls sleep and rip off RLC customers, I'm sure you will find some of these girls you dream about there. Then all you have to do is plop down a wad of cash or by them a new pair of shoes or a watch, and all your fantasies will be fulfilled!!!
  5. LMAO you think Fior gets blanked by these girls? He probably does by some but not all of them.
  6. Listen here Mr. Sarcastian, you know I'm not into watching some guy bang a girl no matter which girl it is. I like looking at women only and what they do when they are alone or together. When the time comes that a man gets involved, that's always when my watching an apartment would end. To those of you that think I'm into anything other than women, you are sadly mistaken!!
  7. Loraine is a key showgirl for RLC and she knows it. I think she is a key manipulator. If anyone should leave it is everyone except the animals!!
  8. Where they are going they don't need options....more off cam work for three PROS!!
  9. LMAO there is Russian translators but they are a bunch of pussies who get butt hurt at the first question posted about any of their translations. Personally, I'm glad they stopped translating!! How can you be a viable translator if you expect every single person to agree with your translation when you are the one that can translate what they say anyway you want to......sorry but they are a bunch of immature pussies in my opinion!!
  10. You are still holding onto your pipe dream that this is all real and unscheduled. Everything was planned the moment the three girls and Rasputin as he called by some, sat down in the poorly cam covered bathroom with no sound and discussed what and when things were going to take place. Your Delusional Disorder is getting out of check, you may need to find a different doctor to get on some kind of new medication!!
  11. I didn't miss a damn thing Moules, I can't stand hetero sex. I think it's boring beyond belief!!
  12. I think someone needs to spend some time with his nose in a corner for telling me to f@ck off!!
  13. The passing of the Baton...room key in this instance!!
  14. Oh....and to make up for all the "out sight, out of mind" time they spent last night.
  15. I must admit though, it's funny to see how Naga is holding on to the whole Karol is innocent thing and that she would never go out with an off cam sl@t like Nana and get her coochie hammered until 4:00am. Keep it up Naga, Karol needs more people like you!
  16. It's really sad what this forum has become. It's the same posted sh!t by the same few posters and the very one's that are still trying to convince themselves that RLC is real life......you people are pathetic!!
  17. I went hunting with family and friends and when I would get some me time I would login to the forum to try and stay caught up so when I got back to my computer at home, I wouldn't have hundreds of pages to catch up on. WTF is your problem?
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