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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. whatever you say old wise one! I know...thanks for the compliment..
  2. Due to the location, I believe they apartment will reopen after some refurbishing and cleaning. It will take RLC a month to totally disinfect the place!!!
  3. Before the Covid lockdown was put in to affect, let me ask you a question. Did this Mimi girl you are talking about ever go out and spend any time outside the apartment? I would venture to guess that yes she did and with there being a large contingent of Russians and Ukrainian people in Barcelona, I think it would be safe to assume that they might have met before during one of her trips outside the apartment. As for the condom thing, what a joke that is!! Many guys that are obviously just hookups have fucked these girls without condoms and shame on the girls for allowing that to happen!! As for the casual sex being rare in B2, you are right because the majority of these girls keep the sex out of the cameras and with good reason one could guess!! I didn't read where the guy brought in luggage or anything with him when he showed up and it sounded like the guys that were there yesterday just showed up out of the blue. If the guy was her boyfriend then why would he not be staying with her? I bet $100 dollars that after they woke up he got dressed and left!!
  4. For the first question...nothing would make a good woman participate in RLC. All the girls on RLC are _ _ _ _ _ and looking for an easy ride in life and if takes being on RLC to do that, then that is what they will do. None of these girls could ever work a normal job where their time was even remotely structured. These girls are a joke and offer nothing but their bodies to society! As for the second question...you are right for the most part. They are girls that work in the sex industry and therefore products of sex. Even though most of them are probably not in the full fledged porn business, some of them have been. As for the part where you said and I quote "because in a relationship it is normal that you do something like this" I'm not sure if this is what you meant to say or not and if it is what you meant to say then I have to totally disagree with you. It is not normal that normal girls in a relationship leave their boyfriends and in some cases their husbands to travel to another country and participate in a reality show where they lie to their significant others, cheat with other men behind their backs, and spread their goods to the world.....I'm sorry, but there is absolutely nothing normal about that!! As for what can they do outside of RLC, they can do whatever they wanted to do if they wanted to do! The problem is, is these girls don't want any structured lifestyle. They don't want to get up every morning to the sound of an alarm clock going off to go to a respectful job and earn an honest living. They want to be out in the clubs and the beaches and on the private yachts etc. etc. etc.. I'm sorry, there is nothing normal about these girls!!
  5. So we can add Mimi as just another unfaithful, cheating _ _ _ _ to our list!! It appears that if you are a man and in a relationship with a woman/girl these days, you might as well breakup the relationship and just stay single and fuck whatever you want because the girl that you are in a relationship with is going to cheat on you every chance she gets!!
  6. I see your point but just because it's a voyeur site doesn't mean that every participant that walks through those doors, wants to cheat on their spouses/significant others. Thank god there are still some people out there that want to keep faithfulness and dignity intact!!
  7. personally, I don't care what you are into!! for you to want them to do a swap you are obviously not thinking about the outcome. you are only thinking about what would be good for you as you have been a subscriber to RLC for all these years and you are quite bored with it and to date the only thing that gets you off is some kind of swapping scenario....admit it or not!!!!
  8. I have yet to see anyone that only has one tattoo. they say that once you have one you will eventually have two, three, four or twenty. It's a bad idea to fuck up the canvas!!
  9. Leora has nothing else to give but what she is doing in the present. Everything else people have seen 1,000 times already!
  10. Amen brother! LMAO...the whole replay thing is already censored even when there is absolutely no reason for it. Replay is a ripoff and IMO something that any paying subscriber should do with out. For every sub that is purchased with replay, you are just confirming to the rick assholes of RLC, that you will do anything they want you to do!!! Sorry for the rant but it's absolutely true!!
  11. like i've said in the past, we are all here for different reasons so at this point I am done with this particular conversation. i'll be heading to a buddy of mines place in the country so i'll check back later for my own personal reasons!
  12. like I said, wait and see! if it doesn't happen then I will be the first to admit I was wrong. as for it being off camera you and or others will never admit that it has happened because you didn't see it with your own eyes. it's like the old saying...if a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody around to hear it, does it still make a sound? well, the answer is quite simple...yes, it still makes a fucking sound!!!
  13. LMAO you and the rest of the viewers are so gullible if you think Ceser as you call him is in a relationship with any of these girls...how naive you really are. he is only there to fuck any girl that will let him and the rest don't mean shit. Milena is a girl that wants him and she will have him this trip if she hasn't already!! pull your head out of your posterior region and wake the fuck up!!
  14. Interesting observation, i do recall reading posts that pretty much describes what you are saying here. who knows what is going on with any of these participants!!
  15. are you telling me that Leora is now thinking about getting a tattoo? if that is true, i personally think that would be the biggest mistake she will ever make! i just don't understand what it is with people and tattoo's...maybe i'm just that dumb but tattoo's on people just ruin it for me personally. just like that Linda chick, she would be gorgeous if she didn't have any of the tattoo's she has but with them she is so unattractive in my opinion. i hope for her sake and for those of you that share my feelings on tattoo's, she changes her mind and doesn't do that to her body!
  16. First off welcome to the forum. Secondly, I was going to wait until I fully caught up on the forum before responding to any posts but I thought you brought up an interesting point and that was no kissing between the two. I was wondering if they had kissed each other because I hadn't read anywhere where they had and then I read your post and it confirmed that indeed they hadn't. I think kissing is a normal way to show some kind of love and caring between two people and the fact that they didn't do any of it and judging by what another poster had said about her and Paul's relationship when it comes to kissing, maybe there is something to it or maybe there isn't for Leora. Maybe the kissing thing for Leora is what seals the deal of a relationship...who knows what she or they are thinking. Having not seen the the experience that happened between Leora and Malia it's hard to imagine how genuine it was or just how much of it was show for the cameras. Once thing is for sure though, it sure made a lot of people happy and it sounds like to me that Leora really got into it except for the kissing part. All in all it sounds like it was a good night for them and their fans so a congratulations is in order for them both!! Good luck in the future!! P.S. I hope you get much better soon Aussie man!! As devoted a Leora fan that you are, you know that someone will make sure that you didn't miss anything. I guess what I'm trying to say, is you need to do what's best for you at this moment in time and not worry what Leora is doing or what people are saying is happening between her and Malia because when you get much better and stronger again, I'm sure someone will catch you up on everything. Do what the doctors and nurses ask you to do so that you can get back to seeing for yourself. Good luck in your therapy and to getting stronger!!
  17. Thank you sir TBG 150, you are a good man!!!
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