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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. that is why idiots like them need to be removed from the gene pool before they can reproduce!
  2. How long was the total UM time? Do you honestly think all of the UM time was to fix a breaker? 3 weeks ago I had my whole breaker panel replaced and it only took 4 hours and that included getting the electric company out to disconnect the power before the work could begin and then come back out to install the meter after the electricians were done. My point is, no matter how long they were UM, I can assure you it wasn't all to fix a problem that they are very familiar with. This is just another case of them staying UM long enough for probably Ulyana to get fucked so Marat would be none the wiser. You people are so naive and gullible it's not even funny!
  3. you bunch of desperate idiots are unbelievable!! let's see a show of hands of how many of you watched this entire 3-Ring circus from start to finish only to be letdown by yet another convenient UM!! RLC is a fucking ripoff!!!!
  4. The Leora show must be pathetic by now. They should kick her ass to the curb and bring in someone new!! The Barca whores are just that...whores!
  5. Covid-19 virus...what's that? Social distancing...what's that? With porn stars the show must go on...sickening!!
  6. Covid-19 virus...what's that? Social distancing...what's that? With porn stars the show must go on...sickening!!
  7. well spank my monkey, i guess money will buy anything!
  8. Very interesting Foamy...thanks for sharing!
  9. i've always liked you Corbo, but your reply is as silly as saying that those two are sisters!!
  10. i also go to bed with country oldies playing softly in the background. i find that it relaxes me and helps clear my mind. can you imagine the amount of kids today that don't even know what an 8-track player or a cassette tape is....unfortunate for them in my opinion. we got to see all the advancements in music and unfortunately they didn't. i have had Tinnitus for 38 years and i feel your pain!! i used to love to watch my mom and dad just get up from whatever they were doing and start dancing when one of the songs they liked to cut the rug to came on the radio. we were not allowed to watch television until after dinner so there was always music playing softly up until dinner. on the weekends we could watch the morning cartoon's but once noon came around, that was it for the TV being on. most of the times we were out fishing, my mom loved to fish! it's nice to look back on one's upbringing and remember the good times along with the not so good times!
  11. may I ask you what the 100% truth is other than their social pages? have you seen birth certificates stating that they are sisters? i'm really curious how you can claim that in fact they are sisters!
  12. hmmm...that's exactly what I said during the translations of old. now I am blamed for ruining the translators from translating and ruining the forum.....go figger!!
  13. Corbo, do you have 100% proof that they are sisters?
  14. Yes TBG that was when country music was it's finest!! I think crap is too good of a word for what we have today...just saying.
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