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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL it's fuck all because there is NO RLC management and that is abundantly clear!!
  2. I'm not panicking, I just think it's another piss poor decision made by a bunch of worthless managers!
  3. LOL they are not freeloaders Ze, they are serving a purpose outside the apartments for RLC or they wouldn't be there.
  4. First thing you need to do is get all of RLC off the drugs. Once they are all off the drugs and can function as rational human's and quit looking at how their doing through cloudy minds, they would see that what their doing is shit and it needs to be changed. RLC = Really Love Cocaine!!
  5. she should be left off you list...she is new. the rest of the girls should be sent away and never brought back!!
  6. It's like now, Loraine has pretty much checked out of B2 and is probably spending her time getting the shit fucked out of her by the leaches that Sara and Stella turned on to the gaggle!! Now, fish lips Belle and many others are back for the umpteenth time.....when will the madness end!!!
  7. I assume you are talking about Aria??? Yes, you are right Sergio, when she left B2 she should have left for good!!
  8. Yes Mr. Sarcasm you are right and that's the biggest problem with RLC to date. One repeat comes back and before you know it she has solicited one of the girls she already knows and before long you are stuck with apartments full of fucking repeats. You know, I must be crazy to think that one day it might get better and maybe I would rejoin but the way it's going, that is something I won't ever have to worry about.
  9. 1 good apartment would be better than all the fucked up apartments you have now IMO. I never liked the girls apartment hopping and intermingling with the other apartments. Too many bad habits are picked up this way and it throws "Real Life" right out the window!!
  10. Not a bad idea but that will never happen because RLC want's the show played out like it always has been. In my opinion they should get rid of all the girls and only bring in girls that don't know anybody. That way you could at least see real friendships being created. As it is now, there will always be the same, lame ass shows. They need new people, Masha is as stale as any 4 year old cracker can be. The other couples are stale as well. Nelly and Bogdan, well there is just nothing to say about them except for they are just boring!! From what I've been reading the only thing fresh and that carries any excitement in all the apartments is this Malia chick....she is captivating the viewing audience and I wouldn't be surprised if she takes the spotlight away from lounging Leora. Anyway, just my thoughts so take them how ever you want to.
  11. 3 multiple repeats in B1, 5 multiple repeats in B2, 3 multiple repeats in B4, nothing but repeats in the COV's, and couples who have been on RLC way to long! RLC will not survive if they continue down this same path. Most people want to see fresh faces and not repeats no matter how good you think they were!!
  12. RLC will not save their sinking ship by bringing all the used garbage back!
  13. LOL it wasn't easy giving up RLC but now I'm over them. CC on the other hand, I am hooked. It always sucks when you logon only to find out that the forum is down. I don't do that other forum and I will never be caught up on what happened in RLC via CC while it was offline, but now it looks like we can continue without any problems.
  14. From someone that doesn't watch RLC, I rely on this forum to keep some sort of track on what is going on within RLC. I for one appreciate everything you do and have done to bring CC back online. Thank you to all who may have helped in this endeavor!! Keep up the good work Admin, we all appreciate what you do and thank you for a wonderful forum!
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