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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Amy.....you are my hero!!! If i could write like a poet I would. i barely even got an edumacation but when I read your posts, it's as if i've known you all my life. You are A ok in my book....keep up the good work Amy!!! You are absolutely correct in the fact that this forum caters to the suck asses and unfortunately it's been like that for way too long!! I don't agree with all the extra bling for a simple "like". I honestly believe it will ruin this forum to the point that the Admin and Mods say......fuck it. It is definitely being setup to to empower those that think you and I are trolls. Without you or I and a few others on this forum, this forum wouldn't be worth a damn. I've been having a hard time trying to understand how this forum survives with such a one way mentality. I'm glad that somebody else see's it that way as well. Amy, I think you are 100% correct and "just" in your words of wisdom. After today when I read that Noldus wants to set up a Poll to get rid of me, it really made it all clear. i will not give the Noldus' and the H1's that satisfaction and I will continue to post how I feel and think about the tenants and RLC until the day comes that the cry babies finally get their way. My hat is off to you Amy and I appreciate you more than you will ever know!!!
  2. LOL what part of Canada?? I've been to Montreal on business back in the day but that's about it.
  3. maybe in Europe but not in the states. i can promise you that I can't think of one......not one of my buddies, myself included, that wouldn't be highly pissed off if that were to happen and they found out about it!!
  4. LOL we have women that breast feed in public places as well. It's not common to see that here but i it does happen. we are just different Ed, you see no problem with it but I do.....no big deal. you except my stance on it and i'll except and respect your stance on it, it's that simple.
  5. it's totally different if you and your significant other are both there but when it's just one of you, I don't think the other of you would like it at all.......that's all I'm saying.
  6. Yes, we in the USA are more conservative when it comes to nudity but we have our fair share of places that one can go to if they choose to get naked. Yes, there is a cultural difference between us and i've spent time in Europe and Canada and without looking for these kind of places you really don't find much. it's the same in the USA, if you know where to look you can find anything you are looking for. We have lots of swingers groups in the USA, along with some topless beaches and nudist camps. Yes, we are different, yet very much the same. i think more than anything it all stems down to how you were raised!! I still want to know how you would feel if your girlfriend came home and told you she took a long hot bath with plenty of alcohol with her friend and her friends flavor of the month. I honestly don't think you would like it very much!!
  7. if it was your girlfriend, i bet you would have an entirely different opinion!!
  8. let's pretend you have a girlfriend Ed and she went out of town for the weekend to visit one of her girlfriends and upon her return you asked her how her weekend went and she responded by saying she took a nice long bath with her girlfriend and her flavor of the month. How would you receive this information from your girlfriend?
  9. LMAO.....no sir Naga, it ain't happening and i could care less how seriously any of you take me on this forum.
  10. RLC is the best gig on the planet if you can get it! Where else would you be hired by a company to entertain their clients but stay gone all the time. I don't know what the apartment looks like except for the main bedroom as I have seen a few pics from there. as for it being a dismal, small apartment, they knew what they signed up for just like all the rest of the participants that have been on RLC in small, dismal apartments!
  11. LOL she is now after leaving B2 around 19:30. my source is the reason i said something in the first place!
  12. he left over a week ago. if she was serious with the guy she showed up to B2 with she never would have stayed in the bath tub when she seen that Sara's boyfriend was going to join them. she would have asked him to leave long enough to excuse herself from the situation. you give way to much credit to Jessica!!
  13. so i wonder which one of the parasites Jessica is having a good time with?? which one of them do you all think?
  14. what does it matter? from what i was told they are hardly ever there anyway. they are there to fulfill their sexual position with RLC, eat, shower, and sleep, other than that they are never home.
  15. the people on this forum need to lighten up! the majority of you take RLC way too seriously!! i'm not going anywhere and when i have something to say about what i read and how i feel about it, then i'm going to say it. there is no need for Harley bashing simply because you disagree with what i say. you all want people blowing snowflakes up these girls asses no matter what they do, and trust me.....there are far more of you type of people on this forum then those of us that are willing to try and keep some kind of checks and balances about RLC!!
  16. goodnight all, the person that everyone hates the most has had enough. have a good night all!!!
  17. I could care less if she fell off a cliff tomorrow!! I have no use for drug addicted people in my life. She's a fucking drunk, drug addicted, _ _ _ _ _!!
  18. RLC should keep those fucking guys out of the GOV apartments in the first place. It's not like they don't go out and get fucked on a regular basis anyhow!! The girls spend more time out of the apartments getting some dick, way more than they spend any quality time in the apartments!!
  19. LOL that's what all the people that want to believe in these actors says. yes Fagen, believe him.....he knows it all!!
  20. you see it one way and i see it totally different........that's all i'm going to say about it.
  21. because his easy lay is fixing to leave him and he has just now realized it!!!
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