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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. the lighting was shit when they went to the bed Noldus. I seen a couple of screen captures and it was shit just like i said it was!
  2. LOL then Numi must have been to fucked up to care!!
  3. so that's what the kitchen looks like now days....hmmm, it hasn't changed a bit in 30 months lol. as for the drug comment, that is what they use to keep there sinus passages clear from all the toot they do!!
  4. LOL as sharp as a person that i think you are, you don't have a clue about who i'm getting my information from. you choose to look at what all these tenants do through rose colored glasses and that allows you to miss the finer details. why don't you quit sticking your nose into my business!!!
  5. i think you know what it means and if you don't you shouldn't be on this forum!
  6. i'm sorry to say but it does have to do with Leora. FW made a comment that he couldn't understand how people can still be so excited about Leora when they have seen everything she has to offer a bazillion times.
  7. who are you to question what he reads and comments on in this forum? he never said anything about watching her! people that don't watch RLC are entitled to read this forum and make comments off of what they read. this might be a new concept for you but that is how forums work!! why don't you mind your own business and leave others alone!!
  8. so Megan and her puppets moved to the bed and had a show under piss poor lighting conditions. what is the point on a voyeur site or hell for that matter what is the point on any site that if you are going to put on a show for your audience that you turn the lights down low to provide the mood but in return you fuck the viewers over with piss poor lighting. NEWS FLASH Megan......in the future, leave the lights on and your viewers will be way more grateful. the person that told me about the show said that he/she only watched the first couple of minutes before getting so frustrated over blurry content that he/she moved on to something else. he/she said that this is getting worse day by day on RLC and that it's not just in B4 but everywhere. who needs that kind of BS when you are paying to see it!!!
  9. you all have a good night.....my Cowboys are coming on and I want to see what's up with them.
  10. yes, i agree and if that's the case which it sounds like it is, she's in very very bad shape!! she's still young enough to get her shit together but she can't prolong it until something else grabs her that won't let her go.
  11. i was told that it is blatantly obvious that Numi & her brother David are much much more than just brother and sister so I can understand the cock blocking going on by Numi. the night in B4 where he had some kind of something going on with Damira had to have been a prearranged deal and it was probably for the tattoo that Damira got from him. use your own judgement but that's what i was told and it all fits right in with what i've been reading and have been told.
  12. probably went up to the rooftop for a quickie before returning to B1..
  13. Alma was the good old days and unfortunately those days are lonnnnnnnnnnng gone!
  14. LOL I already knew that over 2 years ago when I sent my nasty email to RLC support and when I had a chance to come back I told them no thank you.
  15. i couldn't agree with you more and the only reason he is even there is to be pimped out by his sister as a tattoo artist. it's absolutely insane having him with his sister on RLC!!
  16. was it a big clitoris? i like a girl with a big clitoris.....yummmm
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