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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL you are still calling it a club after all this time that is more like it!!
  2. i agree with everything said in your post with the exception of the Leora and Paul part. yes, Leora was popular with many voyeurs here on CC and i can assume with some voyeurs that are not members of CC, but her whole act became stale in my opinion when you could set your watch by her shows on a daily basis most of the time. I also don't like the fact that the GOV girls can have a watch set to them as well, it takes any realism right out the window. i'm sure it's still like this today but i can remember them rushing home at 9:00pm to 10:00pm after being out for the majority of the day, just to put on some kind of act/show to make up for their absenteeism........sorry folks, there is just nothing real about that!!
  3. i agree that it would be great to watch genuine people with real emotions and real motivations, but you can't and won't have that on cam site and that is what RLC is but a fancier version of one, to the point of getting to watch the participants in a semi-normal setting. the problem comes in with everybody on RLC knowing everybody else for the most part. it would be more real if Belle and Nate went out to a club a brought home a girl they picked up to have a 3some with, nothing real or ever is going to be real with the way it is currently!! Yes, the Asia & Hakeem Abdul I'll Grab Her as long as she is not Asia apartment could have been great if it would have been brought online as a roommate apartment and not they way it was perceived from the beginning. from what i read, and this is just from what i read, she sounds like she is really into him but he doesn't give a flying f@ck about her. not good business in my opinion!!
  4. i say to get rid of all the titles for the apartments and anything and everything goes!! when i was a member, i like the GOV apts and could care less about the couples apts. you sir, you like the couples and watching hetero sex, i on the other hand never did like watching couples having sex. i understand your frustration and contempt for the stupid shows of which i never liked them either. what bothered me the most out of everything on RLC was the build up to something that never materialized!!
  5. she put herself in that position all by herself. it would have been 100X better if she had come back to RLC without the Nate character!!
  6. LMAO....they do come up with some fucked up names don't they
  7. LOL if you say so H1.....i guess you are one that it doesn't bother then!
  8. well, the dam is broken and Naomi along with ever other sl@tty girl has been seen topless and felt up by a guy she just met. Sofie only goes over there to have her pussy rubbed by another girls boyfriend because it turns her dirty little ass on. Belle will be the loser through all of this, it's just a matter of time!!
  9. got a lot of catching up to do and i'm worn the f@ck out!! Another failure by RLC bringing Stella back for the umpteenth time!! don't you subscribers ever get tired of all the frickin repeats? if so, do you email support and tell them that? if not, then i guess you just accept it because it's too much trouble to send and email to support!
  10. there would be no subscribers without this forum. without this forum RLC would not survive. they (RLC) need this forum to survive and this forum is the only thing keeping their head above water. if this forum were to say that they have had enough, you watch how long RLC would be online. don't think for a minute that this forum is not valuable to RLC!! i'm caught up and going to bed because i have a very long day ahead of me tomorrow. i will catch your reply, if you reply, sometime tomorrow. have a good night!! PS.....you are correct, there are tons and tons of pretty, sexy girls out there, it's just ashamed that they don't end up on RLC anymore!!
  11. all of these girls think that their shit don't stink! they all think that all you hard dicks want to tap that ass and from what I read, most of you do. if it wasn't for this forum, RLC would have folded a long time ago!!
  12. Sera did have her one night which was unlike her compared to her last stay. Aurora resides in Barcelona and it's a mistake bringing her onboard! I totally agree that RLC's biggest mistake is bringing back any girls that have ever been here before, unfortunately, Aurora is not one of those but she is local like Gina and so many others, that it makes it to easy for RLC to hire them for one more ride. I personally disagree with this but then again, who gives a damn about what I think!!
  13. there is no give with him.....nothing but take! if you talk on the negative level about Belle, he thinks you should go to capital H, capital E, and double hockey sticks LL. good post my friend!
  14. i wish it would have been 10 hrs. so we could have a break!!
  15. That really is amazing!! thanks for the list, i had forgotten so many names on that list that it isn't even funny.
  16. 150? i knew it has been a lot but 150......wow. is that 150 totally different girls or does that also take into account the repeats?
  17. i must admit that i've always liked Nora's looks, couldn't stand a lot of the shit she's pulled in these apartments, but i liked her looks and her wonderful meat curtains!! when she does herself up she is really a site to see. however, none of the girls when not made up ever tripped my trigger!!
  18. same amount of pages, just much smaller pics 🙂
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