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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. may i ask what or who you are referring to? it seems silly to me to ask people to quit posting about what happens in the apartments or B4. this is a forum to talk and laugh and speculate and praise and complain about what people see on the live feeds. as a non-member, people being hush hush or quiet is the last thing that i want to see happen on this forum!
  2. this should be interesting!! i will have to think long and hard about what i'm going to post in this thread due to the fact that i'm an avid BBQ'er. i will say that my successes great out weigh my failures and that is where the hard part comes in.......remembering the failures because let's face it, you don't go to a boxing match to not watch a body hit the floor!!
  3. i'm sure by the lack of participation she has now, the new guy in her life and herself are hitting it off big time outside the apartment!!
  4. lol she's not going to subject him to that dump with only a couple of girls present. she want's a grand stage, complete with all the fixings and a lot of girls present!
  5. you can bet your bank account on that happening. that is the only reason for her moving to B4!!
  6. i also agree with 90% of what Alladino posts on this forum. back in the old days when the girls would bring guys back and keep their sexual appetite for each other to each other, i didn't have a problem with it and that's when i was still a member.......i just wouldn't watch it as a personal choice. when the girls bring in guys and get the other girls involved with their sexcapades, that's where it ended for me......i don't want to see a what is supposed to be a girl and her true boyfriend doing the things that i have read about. i don't believe it and feel that any girl that is that stupid to let her "real life" boyfriend put his hands on another woman, is just asking for disappointment and heartache! sorry, that's just how i feel about it from my life's experiences. no doubt Nicole set the standard that no other girl has even come close to surpassing except for maybe one and I don't remember her name. Stella was and still is a girl that has a motto of.......have drugs or no sex!! Stella is a big time Coke head and you could see it written all over her face and actions. the girls that Barcelona has now are show pony type girls and that's what you are going to get from them!!
  7. i figgered that there must be a show going on now because it got pretty quiet in here and now i know that there is.
  8. i don't know how to reply to this lol. on one hand, pulling the rabbit out of the hat would mean that RLC put up a good fight and continued to ride out the storm until they were at capacity again and I would be proud of them considering all the crap they have pulled in the years i've known them. on the other hand, there is certainly nothing wrong with having more money and enjoying a fulfilling "real life"
  9. to me, it sounds like RLC has given up and is throwing in the towel. it seems that they are just waiting for enough people to cancel their subs so they can close the doors. with the stunt they pulled last night on this apartment and now there are 3 girls M.I.A., that just speaks volumes to me. let alone the fact that they don't encourage those that are left to bail the water out of the sinking ship, to do something to entice people to either join or continue to stay. it just doesn't sound good for RLC right now, no matter how you slice it!!
  10. LOL even the veteran's are fooled!! it is just an attempt to keep you codger's minds off the fact that 3 girls are M.I.A. !
  11. if you mean Belle, then it's her own damn fault. if you mean some show or movie they are watching, then i don't blame him just by the title alone!
  12. I'm not a big Floyd fan but that was excellent Joey!!
  13. it's obvious that the "Real" in "Real Life Cams" pertains to what happens outside rather than what happens inside the apartments and to get a true depiction of this they would have to take the cameras outside the apartment!!
  14. normally i mark this thread as read and that is why i didn't see the post on your reference to "Rosemary's Baby" and it wasn't important enough for me to backtrack to see what the forum was talking about for this apartment. perhaps the forum is just not ready for me today lmao
  15. maybe one day they will be like "Girls Gone Wild" and take the cameras outside of the apartments!
  16. that's a fair response, but do you honestly think they are laying off staff? i would think that the staff is very busy trying to bring more apartments online to try and save the sinking ship. Now if you mean staff as in the actual tenants, then of course they are being laid off.
  17. from the reads.......they have become very very boring and monotonous!!!
  18. who are you talking about? she could start a help fund me account lol.
  19. do you people think that nobody monitors these apts/house live streams 24/7? i would really like to know what you people think about this question!
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