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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It sounds like to me that they know how to get the most out of that "special" time of the month!
  2. Has anybody told Kitty thank you for having her mom over which subsequently led to her showing her boobs? If not, how rude of you all LMAO.
  3. I can not tell a lie JennMom and the answer to your question is no...I do not listen to sports talk radio. However, I do try to catch Sports Center on TV most days. There is no difference, some people are addicted to sports and there is nothing wrong with that. This is where my morals come into play when I say this next part....to me, there is a problem with people being addicted to a voyeur/porn site. I'm sorry but that is just not healthy for anyone and it goes against everything I believe in. So go easy on me when you go to drag me over the coals because of my beliefs!!
  4. I enjoyed my oatmeal, peaches, and toast...thank you! Now I'm ready for battle LOL...just kidding. What is wrong in wanting the best for everyone you ask. It would be foolish of me to argue with you on this point. However, how can you want the best for me when you don't even know me other than I'm some guy on a forum with no actual ties to you or anything to do with your life. The same goes for movie stars, amateur porn stars (RLC), or anyone else that you don't personally know. Why don't you put the money you spend monthly with RLC to good use and support everyone you claim to care about? Saying you are wrapped up was a poor choice of words on my part. What I should have said was you are too addicted to something so meaningless in RLC. Drama television is ridiculous and I can't see how people get addicted to it....just MHO. I'm not addicted to RLC, on the contrary, I'm addicted to getting the site shutdown or getting the site to change from what it has become and to go back to what it once was and that's the only reason I'm here, that and the fact that I have several friends on this forum that I like to talk to on a daily basis, most of which has nothing to do with RLC. Believe it or not, I do have a "real" life away from here just as you do. RLC buying CC would be the worst thing that could possibly happen to this forum....you think CC is being censored now, just imagine the control and censorship RLC would enforce upon this forum....it would totally suck if that was to happen! I don't hate a lot of things JennMom, I just hate RLC so yes, you are spot on there!! RLC is not a bit of a joke IMO, RLC is a total joke IMO. They do not listen to their customer base at all when it comes to improving their business. The only thing RLC listens to is how to stop the bitching and complaining when tenants spend a lot of their time out on their balconies or in the laundry room in B1 and so on. The only reason they put cameras in those places was to stifle the complaints they were receiving. Making improvements means quit bringing back the same deadbeat tenants and show the viewers something fresh. The constant return of tenants with the same game plan each time is boring as it can get. Look at Stella, she's gone all the time just like on all her other stays on RLC. Radislava lives in Barcelona and therefore she is gone all the time and IMO should never be invited back. For RLC to be successful, they need to have tenants that are in no way associated with Barcelona and the consortium of Ukrainian's/Russian's that live in Barcelona. That is the only way you would get even an inkling of realism within RLC. You say you are unemotional and that's how the world works but in all reality, that is how JennMom's world works. You have to remember that women are emotional and men are logical. Things that affect you are emotionally based and things that affect me are logically based and that the difference between the two sexes. "Men are from Mar's and Women are from Venus".
  5. and you are my favorite forum member also.....................................NOT!
  6. First off, thank you. Secondly, I do call BS when I see it on here and in my personal life....my family and friends would back me up on this. In my personal life, don't ask me a question if you don't want to hear the answer...sorry, that's just who I am. On here though, one has to tip toe through the tulips way more than in "real life" simply due to all the monitor warriors out there that wear their feelings on their sleeve. There are far too many people on this forum that get way to wrapped up in what is essentially a bunch of fake characters on some amateur porn site, where in all reality they should be focused more on their own lives....just MHO. Several of my friends know I used to watch RLC and even my son and daughter know I used to watch RLC....I hide nothing from my kids. They were supportive of me when I went off the deep end after losing my wife. I went through some really bad times and hardships for a couple of years, to the point it started affecting everything I had passion for in this world. From my outdoor activities, to my real estate adventures, to the point of driving people away. Both of my kids got together and put a plan in motion to get their dear old dad back on track and thanks to them I'm better now than I have been in a long time. They started by taking an interest in real estate and we started going and looking at properties and I would explain to them why this property would be a good purchase over this other property and so on. During one of those adventures, they both decided I should by this certain piece of property as a vacation rental. I told them that I was too old and my health would not allow me to deal with that kind of investment but if they wanted to go in and get it together, that I would help them purchase it. They now see the benefit in buying and selling properties and because of them, it helped me get back on the right track because I no longer had the need to drown my life in sorrows. Kids are a wonderful thing!!! You made a comment that you want what is best for all four of these people...N/B/M/A. How can a person get so wrapped up in a fictional character that they have never met nor will ever meet. I'm sorry, that just frickin boggles my mind and I see it as a serious problem for people. Before you say anything, I know what people want to do with their own time is their own business and I totally agree. However, imagine if CC didn't exist...how many people would still be such hardcore viewers for this soap opera called RLC? RLC owes CC so much gratitude because without CC, I think the RLC viewer base would suffer. Before you go saying that there is way more people than what there is on CC that view RLC, the question is....just how many and does anyone truly know the exact numbers!! I personally believe RLC is hanging on by the skin of their teeth and they have encouraged this whole Martina/Nelly facade....once again, just MHO. With that, I need to make some breakfast so I can start my daily regimen.....have a good day and thanks for your reply!!
  7. It seems like you want to believe this relationship with Martina and Nelly is so strong and so right for both of them...more than anybody. Is this reflecting on your own personal life? Is there a girl in your life you want to be with but you just can't seem to make it happen or are you just fantasizing and living through this BS show of Martina and Nelly because maybe you don't have the nerve to make it happen in your own life? Are you afraid of what others may think of you if you were to start a serious relationship with some girl you have a crush on? Just curious why you are so in to this whole situation between these two porn stars!!
  8. WOW, I actually agree with everything you said....i need to take my temperature!
  9. First off let me start by saying I don't feel sorry for that POS at all. Secondly, Bogdan is a little lifeless child and a P#ssy!! He has no balls to step in and stop what is going on and one would/should ask themselves why. Is he afraid he's going to lose a cheating wife that is IMO not attractive at all, or...is he afraid he would lose his birds nest on the ground called B4? Just some food for thought.
  10. It makes perfect sense that Nelly would be at Martina's after the sad display she put on in B4 the other night.
  11. As you know I don't subscribe to RLC but I'm sure the viewers that want to see Kitty's moms boobs will be happy.
  12. That's great!! I know a lot of you viewers have been wanting to see Kitty's moms boobs.
  13. I just heard Bogless is at the villa and is patiently waiting for his 3 playmates to arrive so he can schedule his "me time" with them and give them their orders for the next several days. You all should be so proud of how RLC is running like a finely tuned machine!!
  14. Drug testing? Come on Moules, RLC encourages the use of drugs!! Like I said before, believe what you want to and I'll believe a very reliable person!!
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