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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. You better take a picture of this and frame it James Deen, you are very unlikely to ever see anything like this again!!
  2. I pity a weak and confused person like yourself Charlie!! I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me and I will not shut up as you have suggested!! The person that should look in the mirror is you because I know where I stand with the one that matters. In the end of this thing called life, there is only one that matters and "he is listening and he is paying attention!! God have mercy on your soul!!!
  3. Unfortunately, I have to strongly agree with this even though it pains me so much.
  4. I agree, what very little I've seen of Vivian's tits....they are superb!!
  5. I simply can't keep up with the L&M threads!!
  6. I don't see how you people can just sit there and keep taking this bullshit. Have none of you a backbone anymore or do you simply not care anymore. This Bogless dude is for the birds and to keep carting the girls off like he does so he can make arrangements with them is absurd. I'd be email bombing the hell out of RLC support if I was paying for that shit!!
  7. If you have to check replay then what's the point!!!
  8. Totally agree, it's pathetic what RLC has become and it's the viewers fault for wanting to see such shit at the expense of others!!
  9. I read somewhere where Anna was put on the list of participants with great tits and I almost puked. Anna's tits are lopsided with her left tit being much smaller than her right tit. I guess some people are just blind when it comes to some things!! Wasn't the girl that was in B3 at one time, I think her name was Amanda or something like that, didn't she have pretty nice tits?
  10. I'm sure this party which will be lame like all the other parties, and has nothing to do with pay day or bonuses or anything like that. It sounds racial even though it's not and will probably be some kind of Toga party. Many of the participants have already been paid so it can't have anything to do with that. It would be nice though if Bruno and his merry group of dickhead friends were not able to make it, thus keeping Gina and her friend Stella out of the picture as well. Those two should be in straightjackets somewhere until they can dry out!!
  11. Dusty Hill dead at 72....You will be greatly missed my friend!! Rest in Peace my friend!!
  12. So you've been hurt before and you just give up? Get off your ass and go find someone that will love you back. Don't be a ddhm that couldn't get a woman if he tried...you are a better man than that!! P.S. I give on the Victoria's Secret thing.....you won LOL
  13. Your girlfriend at one time was a Victoria's Secret model and then she dumped you when she became famous?
  14. Kitty wants to be a Victoria's Secret model.....good luck with all her ugly tats
  15. I was just told that she took Tesla's dildo and went down to the hidden corner with it.....you people are sure getting your monies worth!! Nana is as worthless as tits on a boar hog!! First off, i've been told she uses a toy that totally hides her pussy when she bates and now she's hiding while bating with a dildo that's not even hers. WTF is she even doing here?
  16. Gina is a train wreck, which means you are a train wreck!
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