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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Caught up. Goodnight all and thank you Thes for answering my questions!!
  2. OK......this is where I honestly have to ask what made you say this. What did she do and at what time? I need the info to get my buddy to check it out. He has given up on Kristy and unfortunately, I couldn't blame him! Her hiding and openness sounded like it was changing but it obviously went nowhere!
  3. I already knew the answer. I just wanted to hear it from you because I think you have a LOGICAL head on your shoulders. Thank you for clarifying what I already believed to be true!
  4. What makes Kaley a superstar? Is it her bates that she does every darn night? Please enlighten me, I'm dying to know! I've seen a couple of them and the camera is fuzzy as hell and the angle is just as bad. I don't get where some of you come off saying things like this. Is it because she is the only one doing anything that you might be able to see? Not picking on you Thes, I just really am trying to understand where you are coming from.
  5. You used to not think this way. What has changed your mind to be so bitter towards the girl?
  6. So what you are saying is, that none of these girls are loyal to their other halves! WOW......bring that #%$# home to meet mom!! These girls don't care about relationships what so ever. If they did, their butts wouldn't be on a voyeur site in the first place and any guy that is dumb enough to have one of these girls as his girlfriend, deserves what he gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Welcome to the forum.....I guess! I hope your experience here is gratifying, with smiles on your face on a daily basis!! To keep my behind off the chopping block, all I can say is that I agree with you.
  8. The case is not closed Moos. He brought his daughters issues to a public forum, not me. When you bring your family issues into a forum, one in which they probably don't even know he is on, there is going to be consequences with that and I'm sorry that he nor you understand that. I didn't curse him out or give you any reason to react the way you have with all the threatening remarks to put my nose in a corner. So understand this, you put me in time out and I will seek action on you for the way you handle myself and others! I hope we understand each other!!
  9. Just to defend myself here and I don't care if you accept my apology or not. I've seen you personally attack me and others on numerous occasions on this forum so don't try to come off looking like a saint in all of this! You are the one that chose to bring up your daughters issues on a public forum for the whole world to see and critique, not me! I just said what others were probably thinking because that is who I am. It was pointed out to me that I might have been a little harsh and I apologized for it. You can either accept my apology or not accept it, that's up to you!!
  10. LOL to each their own Moos. I find you to be a poor choice for a mod in this forum so I guess we are even!
  11. I speak from the heart and sometimes people are not going to like it! Close it? Why should I have closed it? Yes, it might have been a little on the harsh side but I said what others were afraid to say. I'm an "out with it" kind of guy and that is tough for a lot of people to take. People that wear their feelings on their sleeves have a tough time with me but I will always say what I think and how I feel. It's better to be up front and honest to people then hide behind the others!!
  12. LOL...I'm by no stretch the most experienced! I just don't have to see something to be able to come up with logical reasoning.........and you are welcome.
  13. Must not take much to "reconciliate" you then 🙂 One bate on the couch and poof...Moos is reconciliated LOL. It just shows to go you that everybody that views the affairs of these girls is different. There can be absolutely nothing happening for weeks in an apartment and all of a sudden the apartment can change for some because of one bate!
  14. You joined this forum in May of 2013. I do not know how long you have been watching RLC, probably close to the time you joined CC. You know as a viewer of RLC that every apartment has it's off limits/off camera areas. Even B2 has many and there is a camera in every room! Taya's apartment had too many to count and was a waste as far as that was concerned. The R2 apartment, I'm sure is NO different. The reason there are so many blind spots in these apartments is so the participants can powder their noses without being detected and if you have been on RLC for any length of time, you should know this!! I hope that clears it up for you...
  15. I am going to try to go back to sleep now. You all have a great day!
  16. Good morning Ashley, It might have been a little rough and I'm sorry if it was. I guess as a man, that I just don't understand the whole breast augmentation thing. To me, there is only one reason a girl/woman should ever have that surgery and that is if she had breast cancer and had to have one or both breasts removed. I can understand the surgery then but that's the only time. If it takes having breast augmentation to improve a girls self esteem, then maybe she is hanging out with the wrong crowd/friends. There is someone out there for everyone and someone that will love you just the way you are. A guy I used to work with married a girlfriend of my daughters and she had nice breasts (B Cup) as far as I could tell and she has had to have them both removed. She is a great girl and I saw her husband last month and asked him how she was doing and was she clear from the cancer, and she was. He told me that in about another month that she was going to have breast augmentation done and I asked him if she was going to go bigger. He told me that she was going back to the size she was and didn't want to go bigger. He said that's good news because I didn't want you to go any bigger and he told her that he didn't fall in love with her boobs, but that he fell in love with her. So like I said, I'm sorry to Happyone if I came off a little harsh and I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the first thing about women's self esteem issues when it comes to the size of their breasts and why they would want to go any bigger than what they have. If it makes his daughter happy, that is the only thing that matters!! It's just not for me and I came off wrong to Happyone because of it. Sorry sir, please accept my apology!!
  17. Caught up. Have a good night everybody. Happyone, don't take anything personal about what I said. It's the way I see it and apparently not the way you see it. I mean no disrespect to your daughter. It's her life after all....but you posted what you did and I can't help saying the way I feel!!!
  18. From what I've read, it doesn't sound like it was the drink.......that put him in the drink!! These apartments are filled with too many drug abusers and alcoholics if you ask me.........just glad that there are still people willing to pay to watch it so that I have something to read about, other than the obituaries!!
  19. Sorry Happyone, but that is pretty damn sad if you ask me. It just shows that the only thing that makes her feel like a girl is her tits....not her mind, not her personality, just her tits!! Sorry, just really sad in my opinion!! Make's me think what she is looking for in the world!! DEROGATORY
  20. Amen Naga, couldn't agree more!! Fake tits, botox, tats, can't stand any of them and I don't care what they look like!!
  21. You know that everything is scripted in the Barca apartments/house. To be honest, it really surprised me to read this post coming from you. You, being someone that has a level and logical way of thinking about himself. Whatever transpires tomorrow will be well thought out before hand. Just remember my friend...Smoke & Mirrors!! If you can approach RLC and especially the Barca dwellings by keeping that in mind, the rest is purely EASY!!
  22. I wonder what stripper club they keep staffing the house from. I'm sorry Naga and everybody else, but can't they recruit girls that don't have tats or fake tits!!!
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