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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. From the lack of anything really exciting since Rosi & Belle left, it should be an easy decision!
  2. You got lucky, they banned me and never would answer any of my emails when I tried to come back like a fool. I'm glad they treated you a little better!
  3. I appreciate that but I'm over them now. Spent way too much time and money for 1 or 2 events that I was interested in. Several years of ass time with really nothing to show for it!!
  4. Yes sir, they sure did! Trust me, it was an email that showed them times, events, and a whole lot of other things, but I think the straw that broke the camels back was all the choice words I used to tell them what a thought about them. I wish I could have told it to their faces!!
  5. OK, yes I was banned but I had just about had it when they banned me anyway. Hence the email that I sent them that got me banned in the first place. I was fed up with their BS and I let them know it and they couldn't handle everything I had to say so they just banned me and to tell the god's honest truth, I was ready to depart from their sorry, no caring asses when it happened!!
  6. The only rationale that I can think of is they think they are better than their customers and don't stop to think where they would be without them. Their pockets are so full of money that they have lost sight of how valuable their customer base is to them. Let people start cancelling their subscriptions and see if shit don't change in a hurry. As it is now, people just get their money withdrawn from their accounts every month and don't even think about it. RLC only excepts one style of payment option as far as I know and that is reoccurring so you get dinged every month unless you are paying attention. It should be your option as the paying customer to purchase 1, 2, 3, 12 months and then when that time you have chosen is over then that's it. That is one thing that I always hated about their setup, no option of different payment methods! I'm sure the majority of the people that subscribe to RLC are not worried about it and that's why they do it. The people that are worried about it will know when to cancel before they get dinged again for another month. RLC bringing these guys into the apartment is what they think all customers want to see. I could care less if I ever got to see any of the Barca girls having sex, it's just sex and it's always the same kind of sex and it is just totally boring to me personally. Guys in the apartments/house are buzz kills for the atmosphere of the apartments/house and I don't see how anyone can argue anything different!
  7. Caught up once again and very easily. Have a good night, it's bedtime for me!!
  8. This is where I think you have the wrong idea about these girls and the mates they bring to the apartments/house. These girls know every guy that they come in contact with. When you see them shaking hands and saying nice to meet you, that is just an RLC thing to make people think that they don't know them......money grabber!! These girls and their mates are all in a big network with each other and don't think for one second that they are not. RLC is nothing more than......and I will say it again.....SMOKE AND MIRRORS!!! It's going to bite them in the ass eventually......trust me.
  9. I couldn't agree more!! It's been 16 months for me and even though I still receive feedback and a few videos from time to time, I don't regret my decision for dropping their sorry asses!
  10. I voted yes and my reasoning is the same with Thes and Amy even though I never watched VH for more than a couple of days. The high prices RLC charges is ridiculous in the first place and not to mention them trying to capitalize the the replay function which I never did and never would pay for. Their content doesn't market enough need to purchase such a service. Myself personally, I have only watched a few days of VH but I can see where they are putting the squeeze on RLC and I can see where RLC is having a tough time dealing with it. RLC's thinking is that if they bring in these so called model type girls that...that will sustain them in the market share. First off, these so called models that RLC uses are full of botox and fake breast which is none of what I wanted to see. Give me natural over that fake stuff all day long!! I've seen every girl that has been brought in to RLC since I quit throwing my money away and there might be 2% of those that have any chance of modeling. RLC obviously doesn't care about there customer base and that should be apparent by their total disregard in association with emails to support. I personally wrote them at least 10 emails wanting to rejoin (stupid on my part) and never once did I hear back from them. If that doesn't tell people something about the type of people that are running RLC, nothing will. The whole BS with the Masha/Sasha/Dasha thing is like a last ditch effort to hold on to the people they have. The question you have to ask yourself is why? The answer is because that is what their competition is doing. I don't know about the rest of you, but Dasha does absolutely nothing for me! I think she is way to skinny (sorry to those women on the forum that might be on the skinny side) and she looks like a devil incarnate to me.....sorry, just my feelings on the matter. Now they have this Eva chick who is trying to fill the void which contains nothing happening in her apartment from what I have been reading!! I know a lot of people are in to the stuff that M/S/D & E/S are dealing but I'm an old fashioned type of guy and don't and won't ever swing that way. My son told me that a girl he used to have a crush on in high school is getting a divorce and she blamed it on her husband for a couple of nights of swinging to spice up their love life. She wasn't into it at all and only did it for him and now it has ended their 16 year marriage just like that......only because she gave in to the idea and according to her, she didn't want to do it and never felt comfortable doing it. Anyway, I've said more than enough but my answer was YES to the pole!
  11. Cause catching up is so easy to do oooh, I leave for awhile and come back and I'm through oooh. The pages just keep getting shorter and shor....ter, I'm really glad that it's not my quar...ter! Have a good evening everybody. Will be back on one last time before I go to bed, but for now, be happy happy happy!
  12. Good job Robert! I'm glad you are not one of those people that say "I would but it's just me and it won't make any difference"!!!
  13. You are right JC, if it is just you complaining everyday it probably won't help. If everybody has that same mentality and I'm not putting you down, then it probably won't help. What do you think would happen if hundreds of people complained about it everyday? I can promise that something would be done. Sure, it might take subscriptions dropping like flies for them to make a change, who knows! With what I went through with them when I hadn't been drinking and thinking I wanted to join again, tells me that they are too fat in the pockets and they didn't really need my $45 a month. Once again, you are right that if it's just you complaining nothing will happen it will take everyone that finds Candy's boyfriend to be a buzz kill for the house to complain and do it daily.....it takes a few minutes to send their support team an email, just a few minutes but you have to change peoples mindset that it's not going to do any good if it's just me. Anyway, have a good evening!
  14. I think you already knew that was going to happen Sergio.........look who trained them both. Here is Sofie's training regimen; 1st, stay up late to gather the click bate. 2nd, sleep late to make yourself ready for your daily dates. 3rd, leave the apartment sometime between 1:00 & 3:00pm to make all your appointment money. and last but not least 4th, get home in time to put on the 10:00pm to 12:00am show to keep the viewers salivating and coming back for more. If I have missed anything, please fill free to fill in the blanks!!
  15. My buddy sent me two picture's from Alexa's room. One from the camera at the head of the bed and one from the camera at the foot of the bed. Does anyone have an old picture from the camera at the head of the bed? It seems like the bed has been pushed closer to the balcony then what it used to be and is now further away from the camera at the head of the bed. I was just wanting to verify that that truly is the case now. Thanks in advance I hope!
  16. Could of been the whiskey, might have been the gin, could have been the 3 or 4 powder lines I don't know, but look at the shape she's in, her head feels like football, I think she's gonna die, but tell me......me oh me oh my, wasn't that a party!
  17. Due to Anastasiia's popularity, she was on the second page and I just didn't feel like going back that far so sue me!
  18. Ze, It doesn't surprise me at all how much you and others have been criticized for posting comments that don't agree with the handful of people that defend ALL these tenants/girls actions. These same people either have blinders on or choose to be A-Holes to the very posters that keep it real on this forum. I follow this apartment posts because when it first came on line it was all girls and I thought it would be interesting. Now I just follow it to see just how bad it will get before they (RLC) flush it down the toilet!! Eight months is more than enough time for RLC to know if it's a good choice or not but RLC doesn't care as long as there are people there. They (RLC) always have and always will support their residents no matter how pathetic they are!!
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