I do not know what RLC is thinking these days.....hell, nobody knows what RLC is thinking in the first damn place. Yes, it only takes a couple of ambitious girls to change the atmosphere and that we can agree on. The problem in my line of thinking is that they need to change the pool (agency) they are dipping these girls out of and start with girls that are not told everything to do or not to do by girls that have "been there, done that"!!
I never cared for the novelty of the twins as some people did. Them being twins is not a fantasy for me and personally I felt their stay's were quite boring. The problem with the girls that are now sharing the master suite was kind of fogged by the short build up from what I read about it. To be more clear, I believe that there were a lot of people thinking that maybe RLC finally got a couple of lesbians in the master suite from the buzz I was reading about it and I think it kind of sparked peoples interest at first. Now these people have probably seen that it hasn't turned out that way and are kind of bitter towards it. Just speculation on my part...
As far as Serena goes, she played her stay just the way she was probably coached by her sister. Hey, if you don't have to do anything special and still get paid for it, wouldn't you be in that line!!
B2 is a lost cause until they change out the stale sheets (the girls)!!