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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Good morning Bud, it was probably around this time that they put the apartment UM due to power and hot water issues. None of which they fixed. The IT guy for RLC must also be the electrician and the plumber..........A Jack of all, master of none type of guy LOL. It's just like the last long UM they had when they kicked Neia, Gina, and Nicole to the curb to bring in the repeats. A lot of the forum members thought it was to fix the electrical issues but that didn't happen from what I have read! If RLC says they are going to take the apartments (B2/B4) down to fix the electrical issues, then take the apartments down and fix all the problems that are associated with them so they can quit having the same BS UM all the time. I personally believe they (RLC) like it the way it is or it would have already been fixed by now!!
  2. For whoever is left on the forum getting caught up or what not, I wish you a good night!! I'm going to bed..
  3. Here is the problem with what you are saying in my opinion. First off, it's not being negative when it's the truth! Secondly, these girls having been there before and know that they don't really have to do anything because a lot of the people on this forum have told them so time after time. They can go out every day and every night and nobody cares because as so many have said.....they don't have to do anything if they don't want to. Now, what I would like to know is how do these people know that to be true? I can promise you that none of them have seen the contract that they sign to be a member of RLC. It could be that some of them are talking to the girls and that is what they are told but unless you can physically see the contract, I wouldn't hold a grain of salt to what anybody is told by these girls. The girls that return should come back and not need to take any time to get used to the cameras again. People saying to give her a break....she has only been back for a couple of days, is BS in my opinion. They should at least come back with the same mentality they left with the first time or second time or third time for that matter. What really gets me is how this forum has changed. In the old days you could login to read the forum and it was worth reading, but now days it's just not like that. One of the closest's friends in my life that I would get all my information from, terminated his membership the morning that Nia and Belle came home from an all nighter. He terminated it because there was so much that happened that morning but nobody talked about it. Nobody talked about the strange actions of Gina that took place before the girls got home. Nobody had anything to say and were complacent that the apartment went UM not long after they got home. What is said now on the forum is......so and so is taking a bath, so and so is making a tent, etc. etc.. None of the particulars are talked about anymore. RLC already knows that you are going to get the same repeats because they have already stated that in one of their emails. You will always get repeats and they will more than likely always be the way they were the first few times they were there. The problem with all the repeats and I'm sure that that is what RLC is counting on, is that by having all the repeats they will continue to hide and continue to whisper and continue to purposely make sure you can't hear them or see their phones because RLC doesn't want anybody to truly know what these girls are up to. It's kind of like the night the last time Sofie was there and there was some guys at the apartment and one of them asked Sofie what she did and Sofie replied....I will tell you later. That should have spoke volumes to anybody that can remember that night. The bottom line to all this, is this.....if they continue to have repeats, which they will, it will never get any better!!!
  4. You can thank RLC for that! Shitty camera placement or not enough cameras to cover a room.
  5. What's the difference in them doing that compared to the girls at B2 taking pillows and blankets to go to the roof top? There is no difference at all in my opinion......what ever it takes for them to have their fun off camera!
  6. I hope they set the pool cams at B4 up right or it will just be one big waste. They will probably use minimal amounts of cameras to cover a large area and then everything will be so far away that it's not even worth it. I hope I'm wrong for you all's sake!!
  7. I agree completely........Jasmin is an out of the apartment kind of girl and will do the bare minimum while in the apartment. The big room should have went to Sofie for sure!!
  8. There is an old saying MikeLima........hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. I hope it all works out for you and the rest of the RLC subs but it's going to take A LOT longer than a minute LOL.
  9. You can write Jasmin off unless she gets her own playmate in the form of Rosie or Rosie's friend. The hold out with Sofie and Monica will be Sofie and that will be a long time if that was to ever happen.
  10. I know what you want to see MikeLima but you know with RLC you must have A LOT of patience...........A LOT!! It will be at a minimum of at least a month before you might possibly see anything like that out of these girls!!
  11. I see they are working on the pad.....good work Joey! I hope you don't stress out too much with building her home, it can be very stressful at times!! My health has been on the shaky to bad sad lately but I'll get through it one way or the other lol. I'll have to go and have a look at some of your videos......I must admit that I just don't stay on here long enough anymore and need to check out your work, I'm always happy with it. By the way, I did look at the hydrogen peroxide video and it kind of freaked me out LOL. Good luck on the build and keep me posted as to how it is progressing.
  12. Thank you Pirate, it's nice to be back!! How have you been?
  13. I totally agree with you, but most of what you said will never be allowed or happen on this forum. This forum now days is about biting your tongue and kissing people's hind parts!
  14. How is the party going? It's awfully quiet in here so I think I will leave for awhile and catch up later. Have a good evening!!
  15. That is what there seems to be a lot of anymore.........soap operas to try and hold their membership up and soap operas to try and snag new members. I saw the writing on the wall way back at the very end of 2016 and that is why I gave it up when my subscription expired last February of 2017.
  16. If that is how they want to conduct business when someone tries to keep it real, then so be it.
  17. My unjustified hole but we won't go there......this thread is for what goes on in the apartment only!
  18. Truer words have never been spoken!! There is a lot more to watch than RLC on the WWW...
  19. LOL....that's the problem. People that know she has been here before don't want to waste a month of pretend shyness that these girls put on! Myself personally, I agree with them!!
  20. If that is what you want to see then I'm sure they are amongst the best. Myself personally could care less about Masha & Sasha and their shenanigans!! I edited my previous post to state........"With replay, there's a snowball's chance in hell of me watching the constant subscriber getting games that this apartment and it's players put on"
  21. Come on Sergio, you know Gina can't help herself with showing her pussy. Like a lot have said, she has one of the best bodies of the RLC women LOL. It's nice that not everybody see's the female form the same!! I would take Rose's body over Gina's body any day!!
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