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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I think I should have said that the majority of this forum will all vote for Reallifecam!! Good luck Itsme.
  2. I would love to vote but I don't watch any of them. It will be interesting to see the outcome. I think you should have asked that question on the internet and not this forum. This forum will all vote for Reallifecam and I don't see that as a fair representation to the poll you created. Just being honest, Harley
  3. I have been a member of RLC from the beginning up until about a year now. I know how everything works with RLC and with CC members. So you are a one way kind of guy Miscvoyeur......I bet your vehicle doesn't even make turns!!
  4. Some of the best humor on the internet, all in one little place. CC......funny pages of the internet!!
  5. LOL guess I missed that but from the sound of it, it's not even in the same ballpark as a reality show. I know people watch RLC for different reasons and I know people quit watching RLC for different reasons. For me, I never could take the weeks and sometimes months of buildup for a one, maybe two night event in these apartments. It just got old and I wasted a lot of time sitting on my ass expecting something to happen that never did. If you people are enjoying what you are watching, more power to you!!
  6. I'm sure it was enjoyable to watch. From the sound of it NObody ever expected it to happen.........myself included lol. I was actually a little bit shocked to read that it happened. Notice, I said a little bit shocked. With the direction RLC has chosen to go with all the open bating and toys and wide spread legs.......that is why I said "little bit". None the less.....I'm glad those that got to see it, enjoyed it!!
  7. I also agree that schools should have one way in and one way out (high fenced areas) with a highly trained individual at the point of entry and exit. Money is being spent on the wrong things these days and local budgets should be looked at with more diligence! Teachers arming themselves, once again I can't deny that there is a problem there but a lot of the problems stem back to the parents and their lack of knowledge in what is to gain by that. In the parents way of thinking, they are only thinking that if a teacher is armed their kids might get hurt somehow. I know of 6 members of my brothers church that started carrying a pistol to church to protect their flock.....I find this extremely sad but that is the type of people we are dealing with these days!! They didn't want to sit back and let their flock get slaughtered in case some lunatic came through the church doors during a service. I'm told there is more that conceal carry in that church, but I don't know them personally. Thanks for the comment Pirate!!
  8. I'm glad to here you doing very good and welcome back to the forum Nick!!! Your connection is not the problem when viewing RLC, RLC has and always will be the problem with freezes, black screens, and missed data, not to mention what is lost with UM times!!
  9. I agree that Jasmin is a looker, but come and visit me sometime and I can show you hundreds of girls that look like her or even better. I'm sorry that I missed her bate from not being a member anymore but I've seen so many girls that are as equal or better than her that bate and even in good light which I'm I'm sure she didn't have because that would be abnormal for RLC and especially the Barca girls. I just wished that I had stock in tee candles and bubble bath!!
  10. Thats whats wrong with this forum and these girls. You all keep telling them that all they have to to is tease and everything is OK so that is what they will continue to do for you!
  11. I know you are being your usual sarcastic self but everyone of you think that everyone of these girls have a magnificent pussy!! I guess I just don't get it
  12. I know nothing of the guest that took a shower and was supposed to have a nice set of tata's on her. What I do know is that all this talk of Kami breaking the internet with an open bate needs to halt. If she was ever going to do it, it would have already happened by now. No matter how all you wishful thinkers keep trying to get her to do it, if it was going to happen it already would have. So, save your fingers of typing and concentrate on something else!! I've seen one Kaley bate and if this one was anything like the rest......I'll pass.
  13. I agree with that but the problem is, is there would not be enough to go around to accomplish such a big task. Within a 5 mile radius of where I used to live, there was 19 schools alone! I think it's a great idea but I don't think that local governments have the resources to accommodate that task. If you live in a rural area then it could be accomplished, but not in a highly populated area.
  14. It was outstanding Robbo56. We made 6 batches that had Jalapenos and Habanero peppers in them and they were outstanding.....very flavorful in deed! I don't know exactly what we should call deer and pork sausage.........maybe "hunters sausage", but at any rate, it's delicious!!! As for the sausage you see when you login to CC......I can't help you there brother. I could care less about seeing another mans sausage!! Have a good night...
  15. Amen brother!!!! These type of people remind me of the most selfish people on this earth, and those people are the ones that commit suicide....they don't think of the impact that it will carry to anybody else, nothing but themselves! They don't attack non gun free zones because they are cowards and selfish!! I believe that all teachers should be trained to the fullest to know all the gun laws and should be trained to the point that every one of them should be carrying at all times to protect the interest of themselves and everybody else in that school! I'm so sick and tired of everybody, whether it be from the US or foreign countries saying that the availability of guns is the problem. I love my guns and I use them for sport and pleasure but in NO way am I going to walk into a church or school or grocery store and start shooting people. I am of sound mind and body unlike all these other people that are making the news that ruin it for people like me. A bump gun is only as good as the amount of ammo until it runs out. When I worked for a local government in my early years there was a shoot out at a bad guys house. The bad guy used the cover of his house and both sides of his yard for this shoot out. There was over 350 rounds fired during this standoff and only one person got hit. Both parties (the police and the perp) were hiding behind structure and firing without actually seeing what direction or who they were firing at. I used to have the pictures to prove it years ago but I don't anymore. I do know that both had fully automatic rifles/pistols/handguns at the time. The police were so wrapped up in catching this dude.....dead or alive that, that is what happened. It did end with them catching the guy only because he ran out of ammunition and they ended up storming the house and premises. This topic really gets old the more I think about. Blame it all on the guns which have NO say so in it at all. Sorry to all but this is a very sensitive subject to me!!!
  16. The twins are very boring but they show the open legs so everybody loves them!!
  17. Honestly I think it doesn't apply to any of them. Neia sent her passports off in the mail, probably to have them stamped or updated and didn't even have to leave to do it lol.
  18. LOL it's hard to tell with you sometimes, but I think my post is far more accurate than yours :P
  19. LOL......you haven't gotten bored watching them do the same thing over and over!!!
  20. That is a lot Thes but we made more than that last year and the 3 years before. So much that we had to start on Friday and finish on Saturday lol. It does seem like a lot but when you have 5 family's involved, it's only a little over 100 lbs per family. Of course those numbers aren't exact because some guys shoot more deer and more hogs than other guys so the amounts are different per each family but I was just giving an average per say.
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