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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Catch you all later after I get back from my birthday dinner. Can't wait to read all about how exciting the girls were after they come home from wherever it was they went. Have a good one!!
  2. I could tell you what is wrong with her without even looking at her, but then I would catch flack for it, so what's the point :)
  3. I agree.......like take a kid fishing!! I read a post last night I think it was and the poster said that he had watched a certain apartment or room for 8 hours. Do these people really not have a life? Get out and smell the roses and I don't mean that Rose that everyone on here talks about!
  4. It was a good catch and we have had better this year on two different occasions. It was a great morning and we didn't sink a boat in some pretty rough water.
  5. From what I have been reading lately they don't do anything exciting in the apartment because everything that they do that is exciting, is done outside the apartment. They have too much free reign to go and do whatever the heck they want to do and spend hours and hours outside the apartment and then when they come home, they may be on their beds with their legs spread wide with no panties just to appease the audience! Sounds to me like the balance of time outside versus time inside the apartments needs to change and the only way that is going to happen is RLC management steps in and when that happens........you get what you see now!!
  6. Imagine that.....Gina asleep with her legs wide open. She is just telling you all that this is all you are ever going to get!!
  7. Well....we had a pretty good morning out on the lake this morning. We didn't catch our limits of fish due the wind really picked up and the lake got choppy as hell. Had the wind not picked up, we would have tore their asses up!! We decided to get back to the boat ramp early due to having a lot of choppy water to contend with. 2 boats, 2 fish coolers, and a few cold ones later and the fish are in the freezer. Here are a few pics of the 2 coolers of fish and our portion of filets from cooler 2. We had 48 keepers which made for 96 filets. The other boat took theirs back with them because one of the guys had to work tonight and he needed to get a few hours sleep. I'm actually happy that we didn't have to clean both coolers of fish!!
  8. LOL have a good day Spoon and everyone else. My son is here to pick me and my truck up so he can take it to his house and detail it for me. Hope you all get what you want out of this forum and RLC!! Later, HFB
  9. If you only knew how many times I sent email after email to those people, it would blow your mind! I only spend time on this forum when I can't do anything else and that is the last thing I'm going to say about it no matter how you or anyone else tries to bate me into it!!! With that, have a good day Spoonman!
  10. Mr. Old Happyone, NOW THAT is FUNNY!! I've been fishing 3 different times in the last few weeks and leaving again tomorrow to fish Wednesday. In the last week alone I have helped my younger brother build a chicken coop for his wife and their new little additions to the family. Just last night I went to a crawfish boil and a few days before that I went to see my grandkids. Due to my condition I don't get to drive much so I rely on my son or other family members to cart my ass around. I take advantage of the days I feel well enough to do something and for the days that I don't, I spend my time on this forum or others that I enjoy reading. So, as far as taking my own advice.......it is well taken, trust me!!
  11. Good question! I have been around damn near since day one with RLC. I have put more than a few tanks full of diesel in their yacht and feel like I have a vested interest it what takes place with them. I am a member of several forums, and this one is one of the main ones I like to read about, not to mention a ford truck forum, a tractor forum, a couple of hunting & fishing forums, a racing forum, and a few others. I like reading this forum for all the different points of view by some of it's members, and like I said.....I feel I have a vested interest with these girls and what they do or not do. It is not costing me anymore than $20 dollars a year to be a premium member of this forum and I still get to somewhat stay up on whats going on. I like to try and keep some people in check on this forum when I can because I know how RLC works. I've studied all the cameras in the Barca apts and the KKH apartments while I was a member, so when some claim there is not a building that can see into a specific room, I can call BS and keep them straight. I'm guess I'm just here to make your life miserable happone :)
  12. I didn't bite lol......I am just coming to the aid of someone that makes good sense with his posts! If you are into the "lotioning" as you call it, I'm happy for you!!
  13. Of course I would never wish a heart attack on you or anyone else for that matter, it's just that all the Belle talk that is repeated for over 12 to 14 pages is a bit much. So she threw you old dogs a boner.....I get it, but isn't she just one out of....i don't know, like 8 girls and she is the only one being posted about?
  14. Where did I say that? It's called RealLifeCam, at least they need to try and resemble some kind of "Real Life"! Pussy wars of pointing your pussy deliberately into a camera is not real and takes away from any voyeuristic viewing. When I was a member I would much rather catch the "OOPS" moment, way more than I would the deliberate "in the cameras face" moment. It could be just me but that is the way I feel about it and one of the reasons I quit subscribing!
  15. LOL too funny! I wouldn't doubt that that is how it probably went. If that is how it went, she hit the nail on the head by saying "stupid spectacle"!! If anyone of you really like to watch the body painting sessions, sessions that have been played out over & over & over again, you all need some serious help!! Why don't those of you put down your computers and take a kid fishing, or take a kid to the library, or do something worth wild.........get out and enjoy the beautiful days we have been having!!
  16. Thank god!!! I just want to know if Belle is the only listed name for this apartment? I just read from page 203 or 202 to page 213 and the only thing that was posted was about BB's Belle. Is there any other girls in this apartment or have they packed up and left? Even B1 was not mentioned hardly at all......is this what RLC has turned into, a one or two girl pussy flashing war? Sad reading!!
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