You are not bursting anything Vlk. That camera has been a piece of shit for a long time......even when I was a member. The stupid idiots of RLC should spend a little extra money and get a better, more reliable camera and be done with it. However, the just keep putting bandaids on it because they are a bunch of cheap bastards!!
I'm not saying they are or are not doing anything while UM, but I do find it strange with that cameras track record over the last several months, that that is the problem/reason for the UM. The fact is that nobody knows what goes on during the UM times. I, being of sound mind, can tell you that it doesn't take but a few minutes to unscrew it from the wall....unplug it...and replace it!! If they are down because of that camera and it takes more than a few minutes to replace it.....then shame on them!!!
This time though, they may have to secure the plastic from some Polyolefin's plant and then send it to an injection molding company to make the body all the while the electronics engineers are developing the guts for it so that it doesn't break every other week. Once the guts have been developed, they are then sent to an assembly plant in BumFuckEgypt to be assembled. Once assembly has been completed, the finished cameras are then sent to an packaging and distribution plant in India somewhere, where they will begin getting shipped as soon as all the paperwork is done. With all that being said, the UM shouldn't take more than a week or two!!
Or, they could just run down to their local Walmart and buy a cheap one for $9.99 like they always do and be done with it!!!!!