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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It looked to me like she may have either pissed herself or it was from something else. I'm tying to clean up my act on this forum and I don't want to say anything more than that.
  2. What dress? I don't watch RLC and if you're talking about Gina's dress, you will have to watch the replay.....sorry.
  3. It was sent to me via email by a long time member of RLC. Gina was standing at the bottom of the stairs between the wall and the downstairs bathroom. He told me that after Stella and Gina arrived back home, they both spent some time in the downstairs bathroom and I don't know if the picture he sent me was snapped before or after that. I would show you but he has asked that I not show anything he sends me, to others. Sorry I can't show you but if you have the replay function, you should be able to see it.
  4. Oh the shows you must have seen as a kid growing up and listening to some great bands due to the roadie work of family!!!
  5. I agree......it's not crack for Stella but definitely a white powdered substance as it is with most if not all the Barcelona girls. What a mess the girls, RLC, and CC have become, and all because of the way things are playing out in the apartments. I'm surprised that from a picture I was sent that nobody commented on the bottom area of Gina's dress when she got home. This forum is either tired or just not wanting to stir more stuff up......at any rate, I find it amusing!
  6. Thank you Amy3 and stop by as often as you like! Don't worry about ruffling any feathers.....I do that on my own way to much. An intense group for sure, but it's fun to stay and play at times. Have a good night Amy3........and the rest of you BOZOS :)
  7. You're not, well said, thank you for sharing!! I've never been interested in watching guy/girl sex, and don't get me wrong when I say that. I too, love a good romp in the hay as much as the next guy or girl but for me I just care about seeing women with no sagging balls or hairy chests or gawd awful tattoos all over them, enjoying themselves alone or with another female......that is just me. On the other hand it has always struck me as being odd how anybody on this forum that watches these girls (RLC) get attached to any of them. I agree that if they want to bring a guy home and screw him nine ways to Sunday...so be it. That is natural and it should be seen on occasion. But what goes on now is so far from anything being normal with these girls, that it is a slap to the face for anyone paying for it in my opinion. You're right, none of these girls are pure lesbian, Bi for sure, they like to swing both ways.....the most of them do I would think, but to never or hardly ever do it in their rooms is ridiculous. Anyway, I have said enough and I'm tired so as soon as I get caught up, I'm off to bed. Thanks for listening!!
  8. Pretty girls away Never at home Outside party sleep Wasted my money One big tease Not worth it They disappointed me Too many shows Hide too much I'm sorry Amy3, I could go on and on but that is enough. I gave up RLC going on 4 month's ago because I saw the writing on the wall. I kept hoping things would change and get better, but for me they didn't so I cancelled my membership and like I said that was almost 4 months ago. DES is correct, everybody has a choice and if you still pay, hoping that it's going to get better like I was doing, then the only person to blame is yourself. I personally feel by what I read these days about the Barca apartments is that people are being taken for a ride by RLC. RLC knows exactly what is going on with their employee's and don't think for one minute that they don't. If you are dissatisfied with what you see, cancel your subscription and move on to something else. If you don't cancel your subscription, then you must feel what is going on at the current time to be OK. I can't tell any of you what to do, that is up to you!!!
  9. You are a little older than I but we share the same taste in music. I grew up listening to 50's, 60's, and 70's music, more 60's and 70's music than the 50's music but it's the type and style of music I like. You're right by saying it never grows old....I love the music to this day!! Today's music is much more miss than hit for me. Occasionally I'll hear something that peaks my interest as it has some older music styling but the rest of that crap just isn't for me. The anniversary, if there is one, will unfortunately be filled with some of it instead of just bringing back all the good music of old! My son grew up listening to what I like and to this day that is mainly all he listens too. He does like some other stuff but mainly prefers the music that I grew up too.
  10. Especially in todays society!!
  11. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.....it should be interesting!
  12. I have heard that but haven't seen that much on it, but I haven't looked either. I think it would be awesome if they did have an anniversary party to honor Woodstock, but it would never be the same.
  13. What an amazing spectacle of human fulfillment and good music!!
  14. That will be a good one!!
  15. Thank you for your point of view. I always like to see what others think! Sounds at least like there was some kind of action tonight and at least they were home. I hope you all enjoyed the show!!! Have a great night martyen!!!!!
  16. I loved the girl that was growling, it was priceless!! Didn't care for all the body art but wtf!! I don't know where you come up with this stuff but it's pretty damn good!
  17. That was awesome JB!! I love thick thighed women!!! Great job man!
  18. I'm out of here to go have breakfast with my brother and his bride and hopefully kick his ass in some 9-ball. Y'all have a good day!!
  19. I'm done picking on Ben. I have said my piece about how I feel about him and I'm not going to kick a dead horse!
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