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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I see that you are new to the forum.....welcome to the fire lol. You are right about what you say, the forum has changed because RLC has changed and more and more the truth about what these girls do has come more and more into the light. Like I have said and many others also, if you want a forum that only praises the girls and never has anything bad to say about them, then you will have a forum that is "FAKE". Thanks for coming aboard the ship!!
  2. LOL vlkvlk111, I have spent more than my share of money to support these girls over the years and yes I do still try to keep up with what is going on, but for only 1 reason.....I want to see if RLC will ever make any improvements with their product and it is clear that they have not. They have opened up couple apartments after couple apartments, lord knows there are enough of them! The Barca apartments are the money makers for RLC in more ways than one and yet they seem to care less about what happens with the girls that occupy them. When I read some of the comments on this forum, and being a long time member of RLC, it pains me the way people just put up with it and now you are starting to see it more and more and the people that are getting tired of it, are the wrong people to be coming down on. I haven't won anything today vlkvlk111, I'm tired of comments by the guys that think they know everything and then never PROVING it. Either speak up and get the forum members on the right page with one another, or shut the hell up! The problem being for some of these know it all's will fall on credibility. Ben said that Alex was history and he said that with purpose like he knew something. Guess what......Ben was wrong so that just shot his credibility out the window. Then he makes comments like....it does no good to post what is really happening because you people wouldn't believe it anyway. I say to hell with that, I'm tired of his attitude and if he wants to leave I'm damn sure not going to stop him, just like I'm not going to blow smoke up your butt and try to stop you. I'm sorry but RLC is in a bad spot at the moment with a lot of viewers and that's just the way it is. There would be far less complaining and people being disgruntled on the forum if RLC was providing what people are paying for, and they are not paying to see the girls spend more time out of the apartment than they do inside the apartment!!! You are right about one thing though. I do have a life outside my home and I'm sorry if others choose to waste theirs in front of a computer screen every single day. When I'm not busy I like to check in on CC because for the most part I enjoy the people on this forum. However, you are wrong in thinking that I am looking for a fight on this forum....far from it!! The forum will be a happy place when people start getting what they are paying for!!! Like I said, if you want to leave, just go out the door before Ben does and you should have no problem. Sorry bud but I'm a black & white kind of guy, I tell it like it is and a lot of people can't handle that, but at the same time they will always know where they stand with me because I'm not going to sugar coat anything!!! Have a good day!
  3. Like I have said and I believe, these girls are arm candy or something much more and I believe that RLC is behind it all. It makes no sense for RLC to ignore the numerous emails that I'm sure they have received about the amount of time the Barca apartments are empty. It is an admission, at least to me anyway, that RLC is much more involved in what the girls do outside the apartments!! Subscribers are eventually going to get tired of it and you and I both know what the outcome of that will be. I honestly hope for those of you that enjoy RLC that that doesn't happen. Only time will tell, but while time goes on people will continue to donate to a sinking ship!
  4. Easter is over and I have just now seen this post so I will say......Happy belated Easter to you my good man!!
  5. OK....you're correct, you were here first and I would appreciate anything thrown my way :)
  6. I understand what you're saying about the party groups but when we have big groups, 9 ball is what everyone tends to go for......winner of the game is king of the table until he is knocked off. I like cut-throat but it's not the go to game for the big group when we play at my brothers house.......everyone likes to be the king of the table until they get taken. The naked women could be like bumper pad bowling.....you could use their appendages as ball rails lol. While we are on the subject of games and recreation, what would be the chance that CC could implement some kind of poker room? Something for the members who don't watch RLC?
  7. The whole stalking thing is way outta hand on this forum in the first place. They are the type of people that think they have to one up you....that's all it is! I need to go to bed...we will pull their strings tomorrow!! Night all....
  8. I'm outta here guys/girls.....have a good night and I'll catch up tomorrow. By the way, a little earlier a buddy and myself went to a redneck bar and had a great time. I sat down at the bar and within 5 minutes the bartender, who is a friend of mine came up to me and said the girl on the other side of the bar want to buy you a beer. I told Britney, the bar tender that I already had a beer.....she just laughed and said when you're done with that one, the next one is on her. To make a long story short, I took the beer the lady bought me and wondered over to her and had a great few hours. We exchanged numbers and she said for me to let her know when she could take me on a date. I don't know what I did to deserve her attention other than just looking good for an older guy, but she was into me like flies on stink!! The moral of the story is to get out and about, "You never know what you're going to get"!! Goodnight all....
  9. What they do when they are not busy watching RLC because the girls are not home, is spend hours on their social media pages stalking them and trying to learn what is going on. Not to mention the translations that they get from some of the guys they are tight with. They would sale their own mother or daughter, thinking that they have the inside scoop where in fact, they don't!!
  10. To be honest.....I don't pay those dudes any mind. Benfold and all his....all mightier than thou attitude speaks volumes to me!!
  11. I'll take straight 8 and 9 ball any day!! Sorry, but that is what I grew up with and all I know.
  12. It looks like a regulation snooker table to me. I played it a little bit when I went to the UK but never played it in the states.
  13. Poker is a very stressful game no matter how you cut the cards!! I play a lot of Euchre and shoot a lot of pool (mainly 9 ball) when I'm at my brothers house. There are a lot of us and we either play cutthroat or 9 ball.....makes the games go by much faster!! I've never played cribbage, don't know anything about it, but maybe it is something I need to check in to!!
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