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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. If I wanted milk from a cow....those would come in awfully handy!!!
  2. Reading the posts on the past 2 or 3 pages, it seems that Angelina has finally had enough of missing the good stuff out of the apartment. Her eyes will be opened with Belle tonight......if not already!! She will go from being the longest holdout to a naughty girl in one night.
  3. I do not know.....let me check into it. I tried to send BB a PM and it said my inbox was full. I was suspended for a week and maybe something happened during that time. I will check it out and get back to you eremes.
  4. I do not know her personally but I do know what kind of work she is into. I can not even begin to guess why she turns her head away, maybe she feels that she is more likely to be seen by relatives on RLC than she is with the agencies she poses nude for. I do know that masturbating for a woman (most women) is a very private matter and maybe that is why she does it. I have never seen her do it so I can't comment on the specifics of it.
  5. To be perfectly honest, she is an adult oriented model which in my mind doesn't add up to her turning away from the very thing that she embraces so dearly!!
  6. I think irma and Stella went to be involved in a big Roman orgy!! I was told there was a lot of talk about the movie Caligula a day or two before they left.......just a guess on my part though.
  7. Maybe one of the girls that she watches in these videos y'all keep talking about, is a girl that she knows and or has been with.
  8. Just remember what she does for a living when she leaves the apartment and then compare that to what she does in the apartment........MrBox is spot on with his posts!! Yes, he does repeat himself way to much but he is spot on!!!!
  9. I'm sorry but I have to disagree. RLC used to be as close to "Real Life" as you could get, but not anymore! By the way......there is only Black & White, the grey is for people that can't commit to anything!!!
  10. I don't feel I deserved the recent suspension from CC, a simple banning would have sufficed. I also do not feel like any of my posts need to be read and approved by you moderators before being posted to the forum. I can not believe you all have stooped to this level!! Due to this recent suspension I have many pages to read if I want to find out what has been happening.....I chose to just pass them by and if anything good happened, then oh well. My participation will be minimal at best from now on, you cry babies and mods have finally gotten your way!!
  11. I'm going to be totally honest with you, Irma, Stella, Belle, and a couple of others have never really done anything for me. I'm not a Nora fan, but she has done more for me than any of them other's. Jessica is another one that everybody went head over heals for because she was showing more pussy than a gyno's office........once again, show them a little pussy and you will have them eating out of your hand and it will allow you to go off camera more and do the good shit out of sight. I finally got tired of that shit and said enough is enough and no matter what anybody says on this forum about the action they report, I know that 80% of it (maybe more) is blown way out of proportion. VHTV is eventually going to die down as well. I remember reading where there would be english speaking tenants on that site, is there any??? From reading some of the posts about it, I don't think so!! I could have taken a free tour of the site but chose not to because I was sure that some of the people from VV and I even read that the guitar guy are on there......I'm sorry but he's a little to far out there for my taste. Anyway, we could talk about this all night be we need to get the forum back on topic :)
  12. Kenny, I'm not saying I'm 100% right, but I bet I'm closer to what would happen than you may be. I know you like the shit out of her and Kristy, and so do I, but the truth of the matter is that these girls are probably in to some stuff that would warp your mind if the truth be known. There was a Russian girl on the show "The Bachelor", and she said that one of her teachers told her to get out of Russia anyway she could because if she didn't she would be involved in prostitution and or porn in no time. She was told to go to the United States and make a better life. If you can't believe something said from the horses mouth than what are you to believe? I found listening to her to really have opened my mind a bit about what I've seen and read about these girls from Russia......check it out if you don't believe me.
  13. You can believe that if you want to Kenny, but when it got close to the time of her leaving for a life with him, her ass wouldn't have gone anywhere!
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