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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. HarleyFatboy


    I feel your pain SC, I'm medically retired as well and it sucks ass! I have no problem reading a book either as long as it captures and holds my interest, other than that I just look at the pictures LOL.
  2. HarleyFatboy


    I'm a hands on guy myself SC so I know what you are talking about. I have to really get in to a book to read the whole thing. If a book grabs my interest from the beginning I can usually finish it, but other than that.......no way.
  3. Thank you Admin for removing the brackets out of the forums homepage! It was too busy for my deteriorating eyes!!
  4. HarleyFatboy


    LOL you should be :)
  5. HarleyFatboy


    I'm going to have to use the card on that comment SC. You are way more advanced than you give yourself credit for!
  6. LOL....I'm sure it kept them on their toes! Yes, I feel someone was really looking out for me that morning. I don't know how long I had been asleep and thank god there wasn't a train going across those tracks at the time!
  7. A man with cat like reflexes.....I like it! You should have been a boxer, sugar ray wouldn't have had anything on you! I have a lot of different kind of stories but the problem is I can't remember over half of them lol. Another good story by the WW!! When I was 20 years old I was driving my motor scooter home from work after pulling a double shift because the same fucking people never wanted to come to work. At any rate, I had a 40 minute ride to get to my house which was on the bay and I had to cross a double set of railroad tracks that were literally about 5 miles from my house. I know what you're thinking....no big deal right! The only problem was that I crossed them in a dead sleep and totally shattered the arms that come down to keep people from crossing the tracks. How I didn't kill myself that morning I'll never know. I didn't wreck my bike and somehow never let go of the handle bars when I was finally awakened by the very sudden jolt and swerving after hitting those arms. When I reach my house and got off the bike to take a look at the damage, I had lost my headlight and left blinker. Needless to say, that was the last time I worked a double shift when I would ride my bike to work.
  8. Dude, I do a lot of shooting and pistols when used in the wide open are loud as hell anydamnway!
  9. Good story WW! I bet your best friend had some ringing in the ears after that lol. I've never shot at a person on purpose thus far through my life, but to protect me or my family or my properties, I would in a heartbeat. I would have to be in fear for my life or one of family members life before I pulled the trigger though . I through properties in there because if there is one thing I can not stand, it's a thief! I used to work with an older man named Joe when I was working the summers during my high school days. There was myself and another dude named Anthony, both of us from rival high schools. Every time that Joe fucked up on the job, Anthony would look at me with this "I'm stoned" look and say......That fucking Joe mawn. He didn't say man, he said mawn. Before long everybody in the shop would say it every time he fucked up.....it was some funny shit back in the day to two high school jock stoners lol.
  10. I bet he did have some very interesting stories to tell! He is a smart man if all he used was revolvers for that line of work. The only other handgun I would use by todays standards would be a Glock if I was going to use any semi-auto pistol.
  11. Hey PW, did you by chance happen to catch any video of the girl that everyone is talking about with the meaty lussy pips that is staying in the K&K apartment? Is so, would you mind sharing with me? If you didn't get it no big deal. I'm just a sucker for meaty coochie!
  12. I also would like to see more diversity in the ages of the tenants. I really liked the pictures of Kamila's mother when she stayed in the apartment for that day or two. I guess when you get older, your age scale does seem to broaden quite a bit.
  13. It looked like a Beretta but I couldn't tell for sure.
  14. Book.....I like you almost as much Foamy. If you were a Mod, I would probably like you almost as much as Foamy! The problem with all this rhetoric is you are hooked on some girls that are on a porn site that you may or may not have already talked to via PM's due to all your kind words and never saying anything negative! I say this because of your un-denying defense of these girls. These girls are here for one reason and one reason only, to get you to fork over $45.00 a month! You personally, obviously feel that you are defending them because you bring it up all the time when you make a post ("I fully understand that many may accuse me of "protecting" the girls because of this reply") If you want to have some kind of relationship with these girls.....they live in Moscow. Good luck on that!!
  15. I like the shit out of you Foamy and to be quite honest, this post shows the frustration that so many of us see and yet it is allowed to continue!
  16. Oh hell no Legrand, I don't hate on anybody on this forum. Some may piss me off from time to time but I don't hate!
  17. I wish you wouldn't have, that was some of the best times on this forum lol. You're a good man Legrand.....just sayin
  18. See.....I told you I couldn't spell it lol. You know what I miss the most out of you Legrand, I miss all the commentaries you would give about the locked cams and what you thought you were seeing. That was some good times for me, I chuckled numerous times over that lol.
  19. You're not bad at all Legrand, everybody loves you on this forum and I can't even spell frinch!
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