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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Sorry, my fault! Carry on with all the gloom & doom between Kamila & Kristy's falling out.
  2. That's very possible because it will be one dull apartment for you guys if they don't!! No stroking each other, no hugging each other, no hot nasty sex talks with each other, no nada with each other!! Hell, I just described RLC!!!
  3. If you're down in Acuna and you ain't up to being alone don't spend all your money on just any honey that's grown. Go find the Mexican blackbird and send all your troubles back home. They all call her her "puta" 'cause no one really knows her name. She works the cantina, dancin' and a-lovin's her trade. Her mama was Mez'can and her daddy was the ace of spades. Mm, she's hot as a pepper but smooth as a Mexican brew. So head for the border and put in an order or two. The wings of the blackbird will spread like an eagle for you.
  4. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, All over this land, I'd hammer out danger, I'd hammer out a warning, I'd hammer out love between, Kamila and Kristy, All over this land.
  5. That makes me sad but your wish I will respect! You freaking sneaky snaky!!
  6. Yes sir you are correct but with guys it doesn't last long compared to women being upset with each other! I've seen women drag out a dispute in a standoff that lasted for months!!
  7. Take a joke you sneaky snaky! If you don't I'll wait until you go in your hole and then seal it up with cement!
  8. I can understand them wanting to be alone and don't have a problem with that. But when they don't say anything to each other then that's a whole different ballgame!!
  9. When was the last time you witnessed both girls in bed at midnight their time? We will never know what the real story is behind this love spat and that really sux!! Oh well, bring on the next victims LOL.
  10. RLC has been very boring for quite some time in my opinion. CC is never boring usually LOL.
  11. I feel the same way to be honest with you, I do think Kristy will suffer the most for the next 10 days plus it isn't like she can pack her non-existent suitcase and leave if she wanted to LOL
  12. Based off of their personalities, who do you think it will be a longer 10 days for?
  13. What did she take to the balcony to eat? Was it some more of my watermelons from my watermelon farm?
  14. There is more to the story than we know and I'm betting there is a guy that both girls like because I've seen some pretty remarkable friendships end over a guy that both girls took a liking to! Just my O!
  15. Welcome!! Just take us all with a grain of salt and you should be fine!!
  16. Priceless, and you know that is to big for her little honey hole because Kristy said so LOL.
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