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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Nora & Kiko would be one session that I definitely would not watch!! Their sex used to bore the hell outta me! Just my opinion folks, like it or not :)
  2. I've been home just long enough to say that I'm happy all you paying members got to see something tonight! Thank you for all the pictures it is much appreciated!!!
  3. Hope everything works out for y'all! I'm heading to my brothers house for dinner and pool! Later!!
  4. Not to hurt anybodies feelings or piss anybody off but could somebody tell me when Kamila and Kristy's time is up with RLC? Thank You!!
  5. I thought she always had a tattoo of some words across the top of her shoulder blades, hmmm I guess I missed that then! Shame on me, I'm usually a very detailed person! Shows what I know.
  6. Thanks for all the pics euromike, they bring back some good memories!!
  7. What did you do? Did you hide the tattoo? I thought it looked like Milana's ass, I loved her ass!!!
  8. The girls RLC hires are the girls that actually are pretty at closing time!!
  9. I totally agree with you! RLC is not going to hire any girl that is not on the wild side because it would go against what they are trying to do in my opinion!
  10. I thought the same thing about the tan lines but it's definitely Rita's ass! Am I right or wrong euromike?
  11. For me personally just let me say this, none of these girls are the type of girls I would take home to meet mom!! That being said, I would take them home to meet dad so I could get that big pat on the back and the way to go son speech LMAO.
  12. It is not Kristy by any stretch! It is Milana or Rita and I believe it is Milana!! I always did like Milana's ass!!!
  13. Knowing you it is probably Rita's ass! However I'm going to have to go with Milana!!!
  14. This will be a long read because I'm going to respond to bookmaster straight from what he has posted but in steps. His thoughts will be in bold text and mine will be regular text! I thought I would post one last time before I leave this forum. And, since I’m obviously the most delusional person on here since I actually believe that all the girls who have lived in this apartment since I joined RLC in March are actually very nice young women rather than whores and sluts or whatever else many posters like to call them. I believe one well-known poster put it this way: “A girl that is putting herself on RLC is not a girl with good morals and values”. I hate to see that you would leave this forum just because other people have different opinions of these girls than yourself. I don't feel you are a delusional person, just a person that has grown really attached to a certain girl in this apartment and you don't want to open your mind to what really goes on where she currently is. If you go back and read about the drugs that have been mentioned on here especially the cocaine part, I know this to be true from what I have seen. A good example of the vagina being numbed would be the time Coco got banged for a solid hour in her room and never as much made a peep of a moan! The guy she had sex with wasn't jacking around, he was fucking the hell out of her and she just laid there probably thinking when is this going to end! Milana & Coco weren't having sex for love they were having sex for money in my opinion. I still stand by my comment that a girl putting herself on RLC is not a girl with good morals and values!! People that put themselves on RLC are not normal people, because normal people would not do such a thing! These people are into sex and showing their bodies more than any normal person would be. A normal life is not sleeping till 1pm or 2pm and then getting up and grabbing a quick bite to eat so you can go out to the beach all day and then come home to grab another quick bite to eat before leaving the apartment any where from 10pm to 12am or in Kamila's case 2:45am and stay out all night!! These girls are technically not on vacation, they are getting paid to perform a task for RLC, which I quite frankly feel that they have let down all the people that pay them to do this. I could go on and on here but I think you get what I'm saying. I think you all have been conned by some very sharp "newbies" who just happened to join RLC and CC during the most dead time of the year when 90% of the time all apartments are empty and previewing the site would not impress anybody enough to pay the high monthly RLC membership fee. I can't help but find that strange. And, the fact that a couple of them just happily offered their translation services after we had been crying for that for months is also very suspicious to me. It’s just even more convenient that they are so successfully translating the speech of the girls rather than something written which could then be verified by a long-term member that understands Russian. In other words, no one can dispute their translations unless they are given an actual recording of the spoken words. Very convenient, indeed. They did a masterful job of identifying certain poster's "hot buttons" and made posts that would hit those buttons and send the people off on an attack rant. Everybody just believed everything they said because they wanted to believe it since it validated the pre-conceived, imaginative stories they had created in their own mind. For all we know, this sudden influx of “newbies” at the most unlikely time of the year (when all apartments are empty) might just be a group of students who are writing a thesis on how easily people can be manipulated by anyone who really understands how the human mind works. If so, I congratulate them and give them an “A” for their paper. I think the reason allot of people that could translate what is going on for us don't do it because of the time involved in doing so! It would take allot of time and effort to do this, they would have to record hours of conversation and then listen to it many times before translating it accurately to the people in this forum! I applaud their efforts and will support them in any way I can!!! I'm sorry but in my opinion RLC has been dead for a long time, not just this time of the year! This post of yours is the first time that I can remember that you have mentioned the monthly RLC membership fee. I could be totally wrong on this and if so I apologize. The fact is, RLC is outrageously priced for a site that you might get to see something good happen on, because lets face it, nobody is a paid member of RLC where they can go into the bathrooms and bedrooms if all they want to do is watch them shower and sleep!!! The bells and whistles is all you are really paying for in my opinion! I feel that there should be some kind of closed captioning feature for the prices they are charging people. If there is audio to be heard, then everybody should get to here it not just the people that understand it!! I'm sorry bookmaster but I really did have to laugh about the students comment, that was really going to far in my opinion. So, as I said at the beginning, this has been an extremely impressive example of character assassination without providing a single piece of real proof. Not one single photo or video that proves what they say is true. Very impressive indeed. I'm not sure how to respond to this part of your post other than to say that I wouldn't say it's an assassination of character, rather an eye opener to others that saw these girls as you yourself has. As far as photos and videos, they can't be posted due to forum rules, but I'm sure in time that something more will come to light out of all of this and when it does, you might be even more shocked!! In closing I would like to say thank you for your post, I understand your feelings on this matter and can understand how it affects you personally. I for one feel the translators that choose to translate would not purposely translate things that are not true just to hurt these girls reputations or feelings and commend them for their efforts. If the girls don't want the public to know what they are saying then they will talk to where the translators can not hear them or away from the apartment!
  15. I'm at Drs. Office and I will respond to bookmasters comment when I get home!!
  16. That's what best friends do! They share everything with each other!!
  17. My buddy tells me that the apartment looks like a bomb went off in it. LOL I guess they are to tired from all the extra curricular activities to clean it up!
  18. This is probably how it will be until they leave! Out all day and sleep all night!!
  19. I guess the anal video has yet to appear? I was really looking forward to seeing that!! What a bummer :(
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