This is how I feel about it. I believe she could be secure but not as financially secure as she would really like to be. I believe maybe to her to be financially secure she would have enough money to travel as she is accustomed to now, not work so she could sleep all day and party all night, taking modeling jobs if she so desired and not because she needs the money! I could be way off on this but she seems like the kind of girl that loves to be pampered every waking minute of her life and to have that she would have to be financially secure. Hope this makes some kind of sense to you!!
I also believe that she does enjoy the excitement she gets from knowing that there are allot of people that watch her every move of every minute she is around the apartment. Let's face it, she is a beautiful, desirable, sensitive young woman with out a doubt. I had a girlfriend when I was in college that loved to have sex in public places and at first it was a very uncomfortable feeling for me but with time I got into it! Kamila, if you remember from her first visit was a little apprehensive compared to this visit and I believe that is because she understood how desirable she was from all that was said about her on CC. I could be way off track here so please, nobody hold it against me, I'm just answering your questions with my opinion!